We thought Minecraft was making our son ill - but the truth was much worse: Parents' agony as nine-year-old boy is told his 'next seizure could be his last' after being diagnosed with one of the world's rarest disease

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A nine-year-old boy diagnosed pinch an extraordinarily uncommon familial unwellness has been told his adjacent seizure could beryllium his last.

William Howard was primitively told by doctors his bizarre denotation — a twitch successful his correct limb — could beryllium down to 'stress' from playing Minecraft. 

But aft 'endless' aesculapian investigations, tests revealed that mitochondrial illness was really to blasted for his abrupt and random twitching, which would make him autumn complete repeatedly. 

William is 1 of 10 group successful nan world who person his peculiar variation, his parents claim.

Simon, 45, and Mihaela, 43, from Swindon, opportunity he went from a normal, patient small boy to paralysed by seizures seemingly overnight.

William Howard, nine, (pictured) was told by doctors his first symptom, a twitch successful his correct leg, could beryllium down to accent from playing Minecraft

After 'endless' aesculapian investigations, an MRI confirmed he has mitochondrial disease, which causes cells to not nutrient capable energy. His parents, Simon, 45, (left) and Mihaela, 43, (right) opportunity he went from a normal, patient small boy to paralysed by seizures, seemingly overnight

Ms Howard, a erstwhile nurse, said: 'Doctors person told america to hole for nan worst. One much seizure could beryllium it for William. We're terrified but he's a fighter.

'It's a logic to get retired of furniture successful nan morning, because it's 1 much time pinch William.

'I'll cheque connected him and spot he's sleeping successful his bed, and successful that infinitesimal I think, we've sewage astatine slightest 1 much time together.'

William's parents first noticed his correct limb started 'drooping' erstwhile he tried to locomotion and aft a while they became concerned. 

Mr Howard, a cook manager, called 111 and was told to return him to nan GP nan adjacent day.

However, he drove him to nan infirmary connected May 21, 2020 erstwhile he noticed he was struggling to locomotion to nan toilet. 

His parents and six-year-old sister, Sofia, (pictured right) were each DNA tested for nan typically hereditary illness - but nary of them had nan gene

'William was going astir for illustration normal but abruptly his limb would springiness measurement and he'd autumn over,' Mr Howard said. 

'He'd laughter it off, spell around, and it'd hap again. We thought he was joking astir it but past it became much constant. 

'So we drove him to hospital, wherever he was told initially he mightiness person surgery his coccyx.

'They recommended we transportation him [to a master hospital] for further tests, truthful we drove him.'  

At first, doctors feared it whitethorn beryllium Covid — owed to it being nan opening of nan pandemic and doctors didn't want to norm thing out. 


In astir cells mitochondria are responsible for producing energy, which is needed for nan cells to function.

Cells dress up tissues and organs successful our bodies, for illustration nan bosom and liver. If our cells do not person capable energy, nan tissues aliases organs do not activity properly.

When a personification has Mitochondrial Disease, nan mitochondria successful nan cells are not producing capable energy. Sometimes they are not very businesslike aliases they do not activity astatine all. 

Symptoms alteration and each personification with Mitochondrial Disease is affected differently.

The parts of nan assemblage commonly affected are those that person nan highest power demands, specified arsenic brain, muscle, liver, bosom and kidney. When these systems are effected Mitochondrial Disease is usually progressive. 

Unfortunately, location is nary cure for Mitochondrial Disease astatine present.

Source: NHS 

But aft a trial came backmost negative, medics told nan mates it whitethorn really beryllium down to stress.

'William was watching silly things astir Minecraft connected YouTube,' Mr Howard said. 

'He was getting worked up. So we thought this must beryllium nan reason.'

'He virtually had his crippled thrown successful nan bin while he was pinch nan doctor, but past nan weakness began to impact his precocious body.'

William was sent for further tests, but he had a full-body tonic-clonic seizure which causes uncontrollable stiffening and twitching of nan muscles.

He was past put into an induced coma to protect his encephalon from damage while doctors did much tests. 

Doctors yet diagnosed him pinch mitochondrial disease, an umbrella word that covers respective syndromes caused by defects pinch nan mitochondria — powerhouses of cells that springiness our assemblage power to function.

Around 1 successful 5,000 group person a mitochondrial disease, according to estimates.  

But William is said to person a peculiar type, relating to a faulty macromolecule called DNML-1.

Only 9 others successful nan world are thought to person nan aforesaid type, his family say.

There is nary cure, pinch treatments simply being supportive to relieve seizures and different hallmark symptoms for illustration musculus weakness and ocular problems. 

Some patients suffer from dystonia, which a activity upset that tin origin uncontrolled musculus cramps and spasms. It tin besides see parts of nan assemblage twisting into different positions.

This whitethorn person caused William's musculus spasms which made it harder for him to walk. 

William wasn't fixed an charismatic prognosis but doctors pass each seizure whitethorn beryllium his last, his parents say.

'I needed a batch of clip to outcry and calm down,' Mrs Howard said. 

'I needed to beryllium by myself. I couldn't judge it.'

William spent 2 months successful a coma and woke up successful July 2020. 

The mates opportunity they were 'grateful' to person been capable to make memories pinch William complete nan Christmas play - contempt making do pinch nary tree, decorations aliases Christmas dinner

He's since mislaid nan expertise to eat and portion and doctors say, according to nan family, that nan illness is slow shutting down each of his captious organs.

After suffering different monolithic seizure which lasted 56 minutes, he went into his 2nd induced coma connected December 7, 2023. 

Mr Howard said: 'He sewage told by nan expert that this mightiness beryllium it, but he was only successful it for a week.'

'We prepared for nan worst, nan time of his large seizure, he besides had 13 different seizures,' Mrs Howard added. 

'The expert was really shocked he came astir aft only a week - and William was moreover capable to make it retired by Christmas,' she said.

Source dailymail.co.uk