Vollering takes red jersey by winning Vuelta stage

Trending 2 weeks ago

Dutch rider Demi Vollering impressively rode distant connected nan last climb to triumph shape 5 of Vuelta Femenina and return nan leader's reddish jersey.

In nan race's first upland stage, Vollering, of nan SD Worx-Protime team, group nan gait connected nan ascent from Jaca successful north-eastern Spain earlier a solo push pinch 800m to go.

She clinched her first shape triumph of nan play - and 3rd ever astatine nan Vuelta - by a separator of 28 seconds pinch compatriot Yara Kastelijn 2nd and Italian Elisa Longo Borghini third.

It meant Vollering took nan wide lead from different Dutch rider, Marianne Vos, who vanished much than 2 minutes back.

"I person felt beardown this play but it was not yet there," Vollering said. "The triumph took agelong but I americium really happy I could do it here.

"The leaders jersey is simply a beautiful one. I dream I tin support it until nan end."

Source bbc.com