Videos show where cicadas have already emerged in the U.S.

Videos show where cicadas have already emerged in the U.S.

Trending 3 weeks ago

It has begun: Trillions of cicadas look

Trillions of cicadas look crossed U.S. 03:46

Cicadas are returning by nan trillions successful nan U.S. this twelvemonth – a synchronized emergence that originates erstwhile nan ungraded reaches a precise 64 degrees. The buzzing bugs person already travel retired successful immoderate places – here's where.

Where will cicadas look successful 2024?

Two cicada broods are emerging astatine nan aforesaid clip this year, meaning nan U.S. will spot much cicadas than usual. 

Brood XIX, which comes retired each 13 years, will look successful nan Southeast successful Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.

Brood XIII, which comes retired each 17 years, will beryllium seen successful nan midwest, chiefly Illinois and Iowa.

Cicadas unrecorded underground for astir of their lives, and astatine nan extremity of their 13 aliases 17-year cycles, they emerge, alert into nan trees, molt, mate and past die. Their babies past autumn onto nan crushed and burry themselves into nan ungraded while they await their adjacent emergence.

They only travel retired astatine nan extremity of their cycle, erstwhile nan ungraded reaches 64 degrees. This is expected to hap successful May aliases June successful astir places, according to Ken Johnson, a horticulture pedagogue astatine the University of Illinois. But immoderate states lukewarm up faster than others – and they've already seen cicadas emerging. 

Videos show wherever cicadas person already emerged

Near nan Georgia-South Carolina separator connected April 25, CBS News National Correspondent Dave Malkoff recovered thousands of cicadas filling nan aerial pinch their signature, large buzzing sound. Some were seen molting, aliases shedding their skin, connected a character trunk.

"They return a while to move into their afloat big bodies," Malkoff said, holding a cicada. "They person to barren retired and past they get their wings."

A mini conception of Illinois will spot some Brood XIX and Brood XIII converge this year. In Champaign, Illinois past week, CBS Chicago's Maddie Weirus went connected nan hunt for nymphs – aliases babe cicadas – pinch University of Illinois entomologist Katie Dana. They dug successful nan ungraded and were capable to cod samples of mini cicadas. 

In immoderate of nan confederate states expected to get cicadas, group person reported their emergence.

Marie Gruss Sherr captured several videos of cicadas successful Durham, North Carolina. Most of them were sitting successful plants.

Cicadas are often confused pinch locusts, which eat plants. Cicadas alternatively get their nutrients from mini branches. Most trees, however, will stay unharmed. 

In Georgia adjacent Lake Oconee, 1 cicada spotter captured nan droning sound nan bugs emit erstwhile they emerge. 

Male cicadas fto retired a large humming sound to pull female cicadas, who will successful move flick their wings to awesome they are disposable to mate.

Last week, nan cicadas were truthful large that confused residents successful Newberry County, South Carolina really called nan sheriff's section to ask why they heard a "noise successful nan aerial that sounds for illustration a siren, aliases a whine, aliases a roar." The section assured residents it was conscionable antheral cicadas trying to mate.

How agelong do cicadas live?

After they've emerged from their 13 aliases 17-year slumber underground, cicadas person a comparatively short lifespan. About 5 days aft they emerge, they commencement to mate, pinch nan females laying their eggs successful woody plants, utilizing their ovipositor, aliases egg-laying organ. They inject astir 10-20 eggs into branches and tin astir 500 to 600 eggs successful a season, according to Johnson.

The eggs hatch astir six weeks aft they're laid, but their parents dice soon aft nan mating process, lasting only astir a period supra ground. 

  • Cicadas

Caitlin O'Kane


Caitlin O'Kane is simply a New York City journalist who useful connected nan CBS News societal media squad arsenic a elder head of contented and production. She writes astir a assortment of topics and produces "The Uplift," CBS News' streaming show that focuses connected bully news.
