USDA announces new school meal standards that call for less sugar, salt in students' food

USDA announces new school meal standards that call for less sugar, salt in students' food

Trending 1 month ago

Sack lunches hold for group driving up astatine Fern Ridge Elementary School successful Chesterfield, Mo., during nan COVID-19 pandemic connected March 24, 2020. New national standards will amended nan nutritious worth of schoolhouse meals served to students starting during nan 2025-2026 schoolhouse year, acquisition officials say. File Photo by Bill Greenblatt/UPI

Sack lunches hold for group driving up astatine Fern Ridge Elementary School successful Chesterfield, Mo., during nan COVID-19 pandemic connected March 24, 2020. New national standards will amended nan nutritious worth of schoolhouse meals served to students starting during nan 2025-2026 schoolhouse year, acquisition officials say. File Photo by Bill Greenblatt/UPI | License Photo

April 24 (UPI) -- Gradually improved nutrition standards for schoolhouse meals will thief beforehand nan wellness of nan nation's schoolchildren, nan United States Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday.

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said nan nutrition standards gradually will beryllium updated to lessen nan magnitude of sweetener successful schoolhouse meals and supply much elastic paper readying opening during nan commencement of nan 2025-2026 schoolhouse year.

Vilsack said nan USDA wished nan changes to beryllium made aft proceeding nationalist feedback and reviewing science-based recommendations from nan Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

"We each stock nan extremity of helping children scope their afloat potential," Vilsack said. "Nutritious schoolhouse meals are an basal portion of nan schoolhouse environment."

Public schools service breakfasts and lunches to 30 cardinal schoolhouse children each schoolhouse day, according to nan USDA.

Vilsack said those meals are nan astir nutritious sources of nutrient that much than half of those students have.

The USDA's Food and Nutrition Service updates to nan schoolhouse nutrition standards are effective arsenic of July 1 and gradually enforce nan required changes complete nan pursuing 2 years.

The caller requirements limit nan magnitude of added sugars allowed successful emblematic schoolhouse meal items and flavored and unflavored milk.

The caller standards besides gradually trim sodium contented while maintaining existent standards for full grains.

The caller standards will make it easier for schools to service yogurt, tofu, eggs, nuts and seeds that are rich | successful protein, trim nan magnitude of sugary foods and support vegetarian diets and different nutrient preferences,said Cindy Long, USDA Food and Nutrition Service administrator.

Schools besides person nan action to require locally grown, raised aliases caught cultivation products that are unprocessed, while nan caller standards limit nan percentages of non-domestic grown and produced foods that schools tin service to students.
