Up to 10MILLION Brits 'could be junk food addicts': Experts warn dependence on ultra-processed foods is just as dangerous as being hooked on cocaine or alcohol

Trending 1 month ago

One successful 5 Brits — aliases astir 10million adults — whitethorn beryllium addicted to junk food, apical medics say.

Experts declare being hooked connected ultra-processed junk is conscionable arsenic vulnerable arsenic being limited connected alcohol, baccy aliases moreover narcotics for illustration cocaine.

Cheap UPFs, specified arsenic biscuits, cakes and crisps, are thought to person fueled Britain's bulging obesity crisis. 

Dr Jen Unwin, a erstwhile nutrient addict and chartered objective and wellness psychologist, said: 'We are sleepwalking into a nationalist wellness disaster. 

'Although 20 per cent of adults whitethorn meet nan criteria for nutrient addiction, specifically ultra-processed nutrient addiction, it is not a recognised objective diagnosis. 

Experts estimate that up to 10million Brits, astir 1 5th of nan organization successful England, could beryllium hooked connected junk nutrient contempt knowing it's harming them

'Yet it is worsening and putting unsustainable unit connected nan NHS.'

Dr Unwin is portion of nan Public Health Collaboration, which wants nan World Health Organization (WHO) to categorize junk nutrient addiction arsenic a substance-use disorder.

Respected experts, including Dr Chris van Tulleken, will meet astatine the International Food Addiction Consensus Conference adjacent month, to make nan push.

If successful, it will mean UPFs are put into a akin tier arsenic addictive and harmful substances for illustration cocaine, opioids, nicotine, and alcohol.

This could spark calls for junk and UPF nutrient addicts to beryllium sent to rehab clinics aliases beryllium fixed master counselling, for example. 


Body wide scale (BMI) is simply a measurement of assemblage fat based connected your weight successful narration to your height. 

Standard Formula:

  • BMI = (weight successful pounds / (height successful inches x tallness successful inches)) x 703

Metric Formula:

  • BMI = (weight successful kilograms / (height successful meters x tallness successful meters))


  • Under 18.5: Underweight
  • 18.5 - 24.9: Healthy
  • 25 - 29.9: Overweight
  • 30 - 39.9: Obese 
  • 40+: Morbidly obese 

UPFs mention to items connected supermarket shelves which incorporate ingredients group would not usually adhd erstwhile they were cooking homemade food.

These additions mightiness see chemicals, colourings, sweeteners and preservatives that widen support life.

It comes amid increasing interest astir UPFs and nan effect they person connected health, pinch foods for illustration junk nutrient and fresh meals typically precocious successful salt, fat and sugar. 

Overall, 2 thirds of each British adults are now excessively fat, compared to conscionable half successful nan mid-90s. Of those, a 4th are obese. 

Figures for children aren't overmuch better. The latest puerility obesity information for England shows 1 successful 10 children are excessively fat by nan clip they commencement superior school, rising to astir 1 successful 4 among those successful Year 6. 

The obesity situation isn't conscionable robbing nan federation of its wellness it's besides estimated to costs us nearly £100billion per year. 

This fig includes nan wellness harms connected nan NHS arsenic good arsenic secondary economical effects for illustration mislaid net from group taking clip disconnected activity owed to unwellness and early deaths. 

Experts person called connected ministers to tackle nan crisis, demanding action connected some junk and UPFs with nan aforesaid aggression nan Government has dedicated to smoking.

Ministers are hoping a activity of caller narcotics to tackle obesity, for illustration nan Ozempic weight-loss jab, will thief move nan tide and get much Brits backmost to work.

So-called nutrient addiction is marked by six signs, according to nan Daily Express. 

These are a craving and compulsions to devour nan substance/action, expanding amounts to meet desire, a deficiency of power complete nan magnitude consumed, withdrawal symptoms erstwhile trying to trim down, continued usage contempt knowing of nan harms, and neglecting different aspects of your life to provender nan habit. 

The Daily Express reports that nan 5 astir problematic foods for nutrient addicts are pizza, chocolate, crisps, biscuits and crystal cream.

The NHS does not categorize junk nutrient aliases UPF addiction arsenic a circumstantial condition. 

It does however, database binge eating disorder, wherever group regularly eating a batch of nutrient complete a short play of clip until they are uncomfortably afloat arsenic an eating disorder. But it doesn't mention what type of nutrient sufferers are apt to eat. 

The UK is nan worst successful Europe for eating UPFs, making up an estimated 57 per cent of nan nationalist diet, 1 study found. 

However, immoderate experts person cautioned astir overly blaming UPFs for each of nan UK's wellness problems.

They opportunity portion of nan complexity of nan rumor is that people who eat ample amounts of UPFs thin to beryllium some unhealthier successful wide arsenic good arsenic poorer.

This makes it difficult to unpick if UPF depletion is straight harmful aliases alternatively an parameter aliases contributor to mediocre health.

Another problem critics person pointed retired is really nebulous nan word UPF is, some successful nationalist sermon and investigation into nan topic. 

By itself nan word UPF doesn't separate betwixt an unhealthy fresh repast packed pinch fat, brackish and sweetener and a wholemeal loaf of breadstuff which has immoderate wellness benefits. 

The proportionality of Brits overweight aliases obese has slow grown complete time, rising to 2 thirds arsenic of 2021, nan latest information available. No information was recorded for 2020 nan twelvemonth of nan Covid pandemic 

Being excessively fat has been well-established to origin aliases exacerbate a plethora of wellness problems.

These see cancer risk, precocious humor unit and cardiovascular disease, arsenic good as type 2 diabetes and depression. 

There person been Government plans to limit nan magnitude of junk nutrient advertizing successful England. 

Revealed by ex-PM Boris Johnson, nan measurement would person seen online ads for junk nutrient banned wholly and a 9pm watershed for TV junk nutrient ads from 2023.

But nan argumentation was pushed backmost to 2025 by existent PM Rishi Sunak.

Mr Sunak said he wanted to springiness manufacture much clip to hole for nan change, arsenic a logic for nan delay. 

Source dailymail.co.uk