Tips from an expert wedding photographer for your big day

Tips from an expert wedding photographer for your big day

Trending 2 months ago

A good wedding photographer will beryllium capable to beautifully encapsulate nan moments, large and small, of your large day. 

Every wedding photographer will person his aliases her ain attack to capturing nan specifications of a wedding, from invitation and ringing shots to first looks and family photos. 

Since each photographers person their ain unsocial style, completing diligent investigation and heavy dives into a photographer's activity tin springiness you an thought of whether they are a bully lucifer for you and your expectations of wedding photography. 


After all, your wedding photos are prints you'll look backmost connected for years to come. 

One globally recognized wedding photographer said to Fox News Digital astir her tips for couples, from nan booking process to nan large day.

A bride connected her wedding day

Don't underestimate nan value of hiring a wedding photographer. Make judge you take personification you trust. Book personification you cognize will artistically seizure nan arena and nan emotion you and your partner share. (Kristin Piteo )

Do: Find a photographer whose attack aligns pinch your vision

Photographers person individual preferences, from shooting couples and wedding time festivities to editing nan shots later on. Looking done a wedding photographer's assemblage will let you to stitchery an knowing of nan person's shooting style.

When searching for a photographer to sprout your wedding, it's captious that everyone is connected nan aforesaid page. During nan booking process, conscionable arsenic you will person questions for your imaginable photographer, this personification will apt person questions for you, too. 

"As overmuch arsenic it's important for nan customer to question and reply nan photographer, it's conscionable arsenic important for nan photographer to besides question and reply nan client," Kristin Piteo, a U.S. and Europe-based wedding photographer told Fox News Digital. 

"I deliberation successful nan booking process, it's important to make judge that you're aligned pinch nan aforesaid imagination of approach, creator views and wide principle of nan day."


Many wedding photographers connection questionnaires to imaginable clients anterior to their first call. This is to make judge nan customer and mates are a bully fresh for 1 different earlier delving excessively heavy into nan booking process. 

Piteo shared that immoderate questions appearing connected her questionnaire are nan date, venue, wedding investment, whether nan couple has a wedding planner, positive temper and inspiration. 

Piteo besides noted that couples should inquire imaginable photographers to spot their galleries and specifications of their acquisition successful nan field. 

Do: Develop a narration pinch your photographer earlier nan large day 

Your wedding photographer is going to beryllium portion of 1 of nan astir important days of your life. They are going to beryllium location each of nan moments, some nan vastly populated ones and nan friendly memories.

As a couple, you'll want to consciousness comfortable pinch your photographer successful bid to get authentic, beautiful photos. Piteo said of nan individual and master value of building a narration pinch her clients up of time. 

A bride and groom buss while connected a boat

Having a narration pinch your photographer earlier your wedding will make for a much comfortable situation erstwhile nan time comes. (Kristin Piteo)

"I find that my activity is really inspirational to my clients because I person a measurement of creating a abstraction of comfortability and allowing my clients to beryllium vulnerable," Piteo said. 

"I show up connected nan day, and I want to make judge that I consciousness for illustration a friend, I consciousness for illustration personification you've known for a agelong time, and I do this because nan volition down my photos is to person a emotion and to embody nan principle and nan personalities of my couples."

"The logic I'm capable to do that is from inception of booking, I make judge that I build a narration pinch them, whether that beryllium via societal media, telephone calls aliases texting. I effort to beryllium an assistance to them successful nan process and done being that personification to them, we evidently extremity up processing immoderate benignant of heavy relationship extracurricular conscionable being their photographer," Piteo continued.

Do: Book a photographer whose photos make you consciousness something 

There is simply a customer for each photographer and a photographer for each client, according to Piteo. However, uncovering that cleanable business and establishing a narration tin beryllium tricky.


"I deliberation erstwhile couples are looking for a photographer, really spell pinch what your intuition is telling you. … If you consciousness thing from nan images, past that should mean a lot. Go up and book a telephone and spot what that looks like," Piteo noted.

"That's my biggest advice. Just make judge that whoever you take resonates pinch you because that is nan personification that's successful complaint of documenting 1 of nan astir important days of your life."

Do: Be coming successful nan moment 

Stressors earlier and connected a wedding time are expected. However, couples should debar letting accent aliases nerves return complete nan meaning of nan day. Don't suffer show of what you are celebrating. 

"I deliberation a immense correction connected nan wedding time is not being coming and letting nan extracurricular stressors of what's going connected successful nan inheritance impact nan clarity of your wedding day," Piteo said. 

"I've seen couples being taken distant from nan day." 

If you consciousness yourself getting overwhelmed passim nan day, return a measurement back, a heavy activity and attraction successful connected nan love you stock pinch your partner. 

Your wedding time is an juncture you'll want to look backmost fondly on.

Don't: Spend clip penning an extended changeable list 

Unless you person requests for circumstantial family photos aliases a very mini item that a photographer should cognize about, arsenic agelong arsenic you've hired personification you trust, an extended changeable database isn't necessary.

A bride and groom connected a boat

During your wedding, effort to beryllium arsenic coming successful nan infinitesimal arsenic you tin be. Don't fto extracurricular stressors overwhelm you connected your large day. (Kristin Piteo )

There is truthful overmuch that goes into wedding readying that a changeable database should simply stay portion of nan photographer's job.

"I don't peculiarly activity disconnected changeable lists because it benignant of takes maine distant from being successful nan infinitesimal connected nan wedding day. Unless there's thing very successful particular, like, 'Oh, I'm wearing my grandmother's ring, I want to make judge that I get a photograph of maine wearing my grandmother's ring,' thing for illustration that I want to beryllium brought to my attention. Other than that, you chose your photographer because you spot them and you for illustration their activity and you've invested successful them," said Piteo. 

"I would opportunity nan only clip a changeable database would travel into play is for thing that's retired of nan mean aliases family photos aliases thing for illustration that."

Don't: Underestimate nan value of your photographer connected your wedding day 

Your photographer is tasked pinch an tremendous responsibility. Don't underestimate nan value of a photographer connected your wedding day. Hire personification who is well-qualified to return connected nan task and will beryllium capable to artistically archive your event.


"I deliberation a correction that couples tin make erstwhile looking for aliases booking a photographer is possibly not realizing nan value of what your photographer is tin of," Piteo said.

"I've seen it before, wherever couples say, 'Oh, we're conscionable going to spell pinch a family friend route' aliases 'We're going to spell done this aliases that' — and they're not really knowing nan level of value of what nan archiving of their wedding time means. I deliberation that that could beryllium a mistake." 

Don't: Wait until nan past infinitesimal to book your photographer 

Don't make nan correction of waiting until nan past infinitesimal to book your photographer. Locking successful a master should beryllium 1 of nan first vendors you secure. 

If you hold until excessively adjacent to your wedding date, your apical choices will apt beryllium booked. 

Piteo said that nan wedding planner, venue and photographer are nan 3 vendors you want to book first. She noted that she's seen couples book these 3 successful different orders, but getting these locked successful early is vital.

"It's very important because nan wedding manufacture these days is very fierce successful nan bookings. So, for example, 2024 is wholly booked and 2025 is starting to capable up," Piteo said. 

"So, if you want nan vendors that align pinch you and that really animate you, I would opportunity that very early connected successful nan wedding process, you should commencement looking astatine who you want to book for those."

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Ashlyn Messier is simply a writer for Fox News Digital. 
