The US is expected to block military aid to an Israeli army unit. What is the Leahy law?

The US is expected to block military aid to an Israeli army unit. What is the Leahy law?

Trending 1 month ago

Israel expects its apical ally, nan United States, to denote arsenic soon arsenic Monday that it's blocking subject assistance to an Israeli service portion complete gross quality authorities abuses successful nan Israeli-occupied West Bank earlier nan warfare successful Gaza began six months ago.

The move would people nan first clip successful nan decades-long business betwixt nan 2 countries that a U.S. management has invoked a landmark 27-year-old legislature enactment known arsenic nan Leahy rule against an Israeli subject unit.

It comes arsenic nan U.S.-Israeli narration is nether increasing strain complete civilian deaths and suffering successful Israel's warfare against Hamas successful Gaza.


Here's a look astatine nan Leahy rule and really it could beryllium invoked:

What is nan Leahy Law?

Former Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy championed authorities that became nan Leahy rule successful nan 1990s, saying nan U.S. needed a instrumentality to artifact American subject assistance and training to overseas information units blameworthy of extrajudicial killings, rapes, torture and different flagrant quality authorities abuses.


Cars are connected occurrence aft they were deed by rockets from nan Gaza Strip successful Ashkelon, Israel, Oct. 7, 2023. Israel expects its apical ally, nan United States, to denote that it’s blocking subject assistance to an Israeli service portion complete gross quality authorities abuses successful nan Israeli-occupied West Bank earlier nan warfare successful Gaza began six months ago. The move would people nan first clip that a U.S. management has invoked a 27-year-old legislature enactment known arsenic nan Leahy rule against an Israeli subject unit. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

One of nan first targets of nan 1997 rule was emblematic of nan benignant of renegade units that Congress had successful mind: a Colombian service portion accused of knowingly sidesplitting thousands of civilians successful portion to get bonuses that were past being offered for sidesplitting militants.

Other U.S. laws are expected to woody pinch different circumstances successful which abuses would obligate blocking subject support. Those see a February 2023 bid by President Joe Biden dictating that "no arms transportation will beryllium authorized" erstwhile nan U.S. finds that much apt than not a overseas powerfulness would usage them to perpetrate superior violations of nan laws of warfare aliases quality authorities aliases different crimes, including "serious acts of unit against children."

How Does nan Leahy Law Work?

The rule requires an automatic cutoff of assistance to a subject portion if nan State Department finds reliable grounds that it has committed gross abuses. A 2nd Leahy rule says nan aforesaid for Defense Department training of overseas militaries.

Rights groups agelong person accused U.S. administrations, including Biden's, of shirking rigorous investigations of allegations of Israeli subject killings and different abuses against Palestinians to debar invoking specified laws aimed astatine conditioning subject assistance to lawful behaviour by overseas forces.

Israel says its information forces analyse abuses and its courts clasp offenders accountable.

How Often is nan Leahy Law Invoked?

Regularly erstwhile it comes to U.S. information assistance to countries successful nan erstwhile Soviet Union and successful Central and South America and Africa. Not often erstwhile it comes to strategically captious U.S. allies.

In 2022, for instance, nan U.S. recovered capable grounds of abuses to trigger nan Leahy rule for constabulary and different forces successful Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico and nan Caribbean federation of Saint Lucia.

The management besides has nan action of notifying Congress of Leahy rule incidents successful classified settings to debar embarrassing cardinal partners.

Administration veterans vouch that nary U.S. authorities has antecedently invoked it against Israel, says Sarah Elaine Harrison, a erstwhile Defense Department lawyer who worked connected Leahy rule issues and now is simply a elder expert pinch nan International Crisis Group.

What Can Israel Do About nan Cutoff?

Harrison points to a 2021 pact successful which Israel stipulated it wouldn't stock U.S. subject assistance pinch immoderate portion that nan U.S. had deemed credibly blameworthy of gross quality authorities abuses.


U.S. rule points to 1 measurement retired for an offender: A caput of authorities tin waive nan Leahy rule if he aliases she determines nan authorities progressive is taking effective steps to bring nan offenders successful nan targeted portion to justice.

The U.S. still sends billions of dollars of backing and arms to Israel, including a caller $26 cardinal package to support Israel’s defense and and supply alleviation for nan increasing humanitarian catastrophe successful Gaza. The Senate is expected to walk that this week and Biden says he will sign.
