The problem with leaf blowers, and what you can do instead

The problem with leaf blowers, and what you can do instead

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When I was a kid, I utilized to thief my mother clear leaves nan old-fashioned measurement — pinch a rake.

These days, I don’t spot galore rakes successful my neighborhood. It seems everyone has a leafage blower aliases a landscaper who uses one, often astatine ungodly hours, which disrupts humans arsenic good arsenic wildlife.

The near-constant cacophony of nan contentious contraptions has led galore communities astir nan state to restrict aliases wholly prohibition state blowers, which typically are louder than electrical aliases battery-operated models, and pollute more, too. Some municipalities connection residents rebates aliases trade-in programs to replace nan state instrumentality pinch electric.


The sound isn’t simply a nuisance. According to nan U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prolonged vulnerability to sound louder than 70 decibels whitethorn harm your hearing. Gas-powered leafage blowers tin registry arsenic precocious arsenic 100 decibels astatine nan root (the levels alteration pinch distance).

Most electrical models scope from 59 to 70 decibels. For context, a motorcycle motor registers astatine astir 95 decibels; normal speech is astir 50. And it’s worthy noting that each 10 decibel summation is not simply 10 points louder but 10 times louder, truthful 80 decibels is simply a tenfold summation complete 70.

Gas-powered leafage blowers besides expel fumes and pollutants for illustration c monoxide. Both state and electrical blowers operation up particulate matter, dust, mold, pollen, and pathogen-containing vertebrate and animal feces into nan aerial that we (and insects and wildlife) breathe. Folks pinch respiratory issues aliases allergies whitethorn beryllium particularly sensitive.

Both types besides rustle distant mulch, lend to ungraded erosion and disrupt delicate ecosystems. The ungraded depletion makes plants much susceptible to illness and infestations, which could lead to higher pesticide usage.

The machines’ forceful blasts – which recreation up to 200 mph, tin displace, injure and termination pollinators and different insects. Birds, too, tin go startled into changing their feeding, nesting and mating habits.


Share this accusation pinch your friends and neighbors. If you prosecute a landscaper, definitive your concerns and inquire them to usage electrical equipment. If capable group do that, nan request will hopefully effect change.

If you person nan clip and inclination, rake. On difficult surfaces, usage a broom. Those are sustainable alternatives that besides supply bully workout and immoderate serene clip unsocial pinch your thoughts.

Clear nan lawn, but see leaving leaves wherever they fall successful beds and borders.

Leaf sweepers, which run for illustration push mowers, seizure and cod leaves, twigs and different plot debris successful an attached bag. This offers an further advantage complete blowers, which simply move debris retired of nan measurement aliases into a heap that needs to beryllium gathered earlier reuse aliases disposal. Electric models are besides available.

If you must usage a blower, opt for an electrical aliases cordless rechargeable exemplary arsenic a cleaner, quieter compromise. The first value tag mightiness beryllium higher, but you’ll quickly recoup nan costs pinch savings connected state and oil.

And if a gas-powered exemplary is genuinely your only option, do yourself, your neighbors, and nan birds and bees a favour by moving it sparingly and only astatine half-throttle.


Jessica Damiano writes regular farming columns for nan AP and publishes nan award-winning Weekly Dirt Newsletter. You tin sign up here for play farming tips and advice.


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