The 20 least calorific Easter eggs revealed - with one sweet treat containing only 454 calories

Trending 1 month ago

The slightest calorific supermarket Easter eggs person been revealed - arsenic nan saccharine dainty filled vacation approaches.

Analysing 90 offerings crossed shops successful nan UK, sports and nutrition tract Bulk ( unveiled which festive options contained nan slightest calories successful a database of 20.

Taking nan apical spot is Moo Free's Bunnycomb ovum pinch a full of 454 kcal per pack. 

It's followed by nan Kinder Surprise Egg, which contains 579 kcal. Elsewhere, selections from Sainsbury's, Thorntons and Bounty are besides included.

Calorie content, grams of sweetener successful nan full egg, and immoderate further cocoa aliases sweets included successful nan battalion were considered. 

A spokesperson for Bulk nevertheless stressed that enjoying immoderate cocoa complete Easter is 'unlikely to wholly ruin immoderate weight loss goals you whitethorn have'.

'Weight summation tends to hap complete a overmuch longer model of time, truthful moreover if you are eating complete your body's regular caloric intake for respective days, you are improbable to observe immoderate noticeable fat gain,' they explained.

'However, if you still intend to beryllium mindful of your cocoa depletion this Easter, see buying respective smaller Easter eggs alternatively than 1 ample one.

'This way, you tin eat nan full Easter ovum successful 1 sitting, without emotion arsenic guilty, while still satisfying your sweetener cravings.'

Here, FEMAIL takes a adjacent look astatine nan 5 slightest calorific offerings this Easter... 

1. Moo Free Bunnycomb Easter Egg (85g), £4.50 - 454 kcal

The supermarket Easter ovum pinch nan slightest number of calories, according to Bulk, is nan Moo Free Bunnycomb Easter Egg - pinch a full of 454 kcal per pack.

Weighing successful astatine conscionable 85g, it includes a dairy free hollow ovum pinch cinder toffee pieces.

But experts revealed that 'the full Easter ovum merchandise was besides recovered to incorporate 40.8g of sugar, which is 36% much than nan recommended regular allowance of 30g, advised by nan NHS'.

2. Kinder Surprise Egg (100g), £4.50 - 579 kcal

The 20 lowest calorie supermarket Easter eggs Easter egg   Total calories (kcal) per full item Total sweetener per full point (g) 
Moo Free Bunnycomb Easter Egg (85g)  45440.8 
Kinder Surprise Egg (100g)  579 53.6 
Sainsbury's Belgian Dark Chocolate Large Easter Egg, Taste nan Difference (150g)  794 62.4 
NOMO Free From Caramel Filled Easter Egg & Bar (148g)  815 51.3 
Thorntons Milk Chocolate Dinosaur Easter Egg (151g)  823 81.5 
Sainsbury's Belgian Milk Chocolate Large Easter Egg, Taste nan Difference (150g)  827 78.5 
Sainsbury's Belgian White Chocolate Egg, Taste nan Difference (150g)  836 83.4 
Thorntons Milk Chocolate Unicorn Easter Egg (151g)  850 77.5 
Nomo Free From Fudge Easter Egg & Bunny (160g)  86257.5 
Thorntons White Chocolate Bunny Egg (151g)  862 86.1 
Bounty Coconut Milk Chocolate Easter Egg pinch 2 Fun Size Bars (207g)  930 101.0 
Waitrose Orange RIbbon Easter Egg (163g) 94469.1 
Milkybar White Chocolate Egg (180g)96699.4 
Skittles Milk Chocolate Large Easter Egg (195g)  970 120.0 
Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles Easter Egg (200g)  973 121.3 
Smarties Milk Chocolate Large Easter Egg (188g)  974 113.4 
Smarties Orange Flavoured Chocolate Egg (188g)  974 113.9 
Maltesers Teasers Milk Chocolate Large Easter Egg (185g)  977 106.0 
Cadbury Wispa Large Chocolate Easter Egg (182.5g)  981 101.6 
Aero Chocolate Easter Egg (186g)  988 110.4 

The Easter ovum pinch nan 2nd lowest number of calories was recovered to beryllium nan Kinder Surprise Egg, which contained a full of 579 calories per pack

The Easter ovum pinch nan 2nd lowest number of calories was recovered to beryllium nan Kinder Surprise Egg, which contained a full of 579 calories per pack.

This featured a 100g hollow beverage cocoa egg, pinch a achromatic cocoa lining.

'The Easter egg, contains 53.6g of sweetener successful total, nan 3rd lowest magnitude of sweetener of immoderate Easter ovum included successful nan analysis,' Bulk found.

Sainsbury's Taste nan Difference Belgian Dark Chocolate Large Easter egg

3. Sainsbury's Taste nan Difference Belgian Dark Chocolate Large Easter ovum (150g), £4.50 -794 kcal

Coming successful astatine number 3 was Sainsbury's Taste nan Difference Belgian acheronian cocoa ample egg.

It contains 794 calories per pack.

The merchandise features a 150g hollow acheronian cocoa egg.

The creation besides includes grooves on nan cocoa shell. 

'The full merchandise contains a full of 62.4g of sugar,' nan study revealed.

This was, reportedly, 'the 5th lowest magnitude of immoderate Easter ovum included successful nan list'.

4. NOMO Free From Caramel filled Easter Egg and barroom (148g), £6.50 - 815 kcal

The full ovum contains 619 calories, while nan further confectionary besides contains 196 calories

NOMO Free From caramel filled ovum and barroom is nan 4th slightest calorific Easter egg, pinch a full of 815 calories per pack.

This dairy-free offering comes pinch a caramel-flavoured hollow beverage cocoa ovum arsenic good arsenic a beverage cocoa barroom pinch a vegan caramel filling.

The full ovum contains 619 calories, while nan further confectionary contains 196 calories

According to Bulk, it has a full of 51.3g of sugar, which is 'the 2nd lowest magnitude of immoderate Easter ovum included successful nan list'.

5. Thorntons Milk Chocolate Dinosaur Easter Egg (151g), £3 - 823 kcal

Thorntons Milk Chocolate Dinosaur Easter Egg is nan 5th slightest calorific, pinch a full of 823 calories per pack, nan study found.

The ovum - made from beverage and achromatic cocoa - contains 81.5g of sugar, 'more than double nan recommended regular allowance'.

Thorntons Milk Chocolate Dinosaur Easter Egg is nan 5th slightest calorific, pinch a full of 823 calories per pack, nan study found

It comes arsenic income of Easter eggs person slumped by 600,000 successful backlash against rising prices and shrinkflation.

The autumn equates to a simplification of 12 per cent compared to nan balanced play past twelvemonth and amounts to a £200,000 autumn successful sales.

The specifications emerged pursuing revelations by nan Daily Mail and Which? that manufacturers are some shrinking nan size of their Easter eggs and pushing up prices.

Industry leaders blasted rising costs and climate change, which person deed nan cocoa harvests successful West Africa.

This year, nan ample Mars beverage cocoa ovum is down from 252g to 201g, a simplification of 20 per cent, yet nan value has remained nan aforesaid astatine £3.

The Twix beverage cocoa Easter ovum is down from 246g to 200g and nan Galaxy Minstrels Easter ovum has been trim from 234g to 192g.

Last year, Cadbury was trading nan Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut Inclusions Chocolate ovum pinch a weight of 532g. This year, nan closest balanced weighs successful astatine 400g.

Nestle's Smarties Orange Easter ovum ample is down from 226g to 188g, and nan Yorkie Milk Chocolate Large Easter ovum has reduced from 242g to 196g.

It comes arsenic income of Easter eggs person slumped by 600,000 successful backlash against rising prices and shrinkflation. Stock image used

Research by Which? has identified immoderate tremendous value rises. For example, a Maltesers Truffles Luxury Easter ovum (286g) is up from mean £8 to £13, which equates to a emergence of 62.5 per cent.

At Asda, a Lindt 5 Gold Bunny Milk Chocolate (50g) accrued from £2 connected mean to £3.11 connected mean - up 55.5 per cent.

At Tesco, a Ferrero Rocher Golden Easter ovum (250g) roseate £10 to £15 - up 50 per cent.

The income slump information was collated by unit information experts Reapp, who suggested nan autumn was driven some by prices and changes to nan measurement supermarkets are allowed to show Easter eggs.

New laws authorities that Easter eggs must beryllium successful circumstantial aisles alternatively than being placed astatine checkouts wherever they are an impulse bargain aliases parents could beryllium pestered into buying.

Reapp said: 'Easter ovum income person plummeted by 12 per cent, arsenic ostentation and authorities melts confectionery performance.

'Chocolate ovum income person dropped by complete 600,000 units sold successful nan buildup to Easter.'

As a result, it said nan full worth of Easter Egg income frankincense acold is down by £200,000 to £11.3million.

James Lamplugh, Reapp Commercial Director, said: 'The grounds of dwindling Easter ovum income reflects a displacement successful user behaviour. With ostentation and a much health-conscious Britain playing a large domiciled successful shaping nan nation's baskets.

'With retailers having to fulfill HFSS (High Fat Salt and Sugar) legislation, Easter eggs are only being sold successful dedicated seasonal isles meaning little visibility for nan customer, it comes arsenic nary astonishment to spot little shoppers opting for Easter eggs this year.

He added: 'Our information demonstrates that arsenic prices rise, shoppers are recalibrating their purchasing habits, favouring basal items complete Easter eggs.'
