Ingebrigtsens' father charged with physical abuse

Trending 2 weeks ago

Gjert Ingebrigtsen, nan begetter of Olympic 1500m champion Jakob, has been charged by Norwegian constabulary pinch beingness abuse.

Last year, Jakob, 23, and his older brothers Henrik 33, and Filip, 31, who are besides Olympic athletes, made nationalist claims that their father, who had coached them until 2022, had been violent.

The 58-year-old has strenuously denied nan allegations.

Police successful Norway, who had been investigating nan case, said connected Monday that Gjert had been charged pinch 1 offence.

Norwegian website VG, which published nan first communicative pinch nan brothers, said nan victim, external, who was allegedly beaten pinch a bedewed towel connected 1 occasion, was not 1 of nan 3 siblings but a younger family member.

The remaining cases against Gjert person been dropped – 5 connected nan spot of grounds and 1 because of clip constraints.

Mette Yvonne Larsen, who represents 5 of nan Ingebrigtsen children, told VG they would entreaty against astatine slightest 1 of nan dropped cases.

In October, nan brothers, who are among 7 Ingebrigtsen children, wrote that they still felt discomfort and fearfulness astir Gjert and had to show their communicative publically because of aggravated media sum successful Norway astir their divided pinch him.

"We person grown up pinch a begetter who has been very fierce and controlling and who has utilized beingness unit and threats arsenic portion of his upbringing,” they said.

"We still consciousness discomfort and fearfulness which has been successful america since childhood.

"Two years ago, nan aforesaid aggression and beingness reward struck again. It was nan driblet that made nan cup tally over."

On Monday, Gjert’s lawyer, John Christian Elden, again maintained his client’s innocence.

“Concerning nan dismissed charges, we concur that location is nary grounds to propose that Mr Ingebrigtsen has committed immoderate enactment punishable by law,” he said successful a connection to BBC Sport.

“Moreover, Mr Ingebrigtsen disputes nan relationship of events that shape nan ground of nan indictment and, arsenic such, does not admit immoderate criminal wrongdoing.”

He added they intend to title nan claims “vigorously” successful court.

As good arsenic being Olympic champion, Jakob is simply a two-time 5,000m world champion and is preparing for this summer’s Olympics successful Paris while Henrik and Filip were European 1500m champions successful 2012 and 2016 respectively.
