How airline "drip pricing" can disguise the true cost of flying

How airline "drip pricing" can disguise the true cost of flying

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With galore airlines now hawking "unbundled" fares, it's easy for travelers to correction debased advertised prices for cheap level tickets. But for consumers eager to get nan champion woody connected flights heading into nan summertime recreation season, it pays to study really "drip pricing" tin make airfare much expensive.

Indeed, selecting nan cheapest guidelines fare is nary longer nan champion measurement to get a bully deal, according to recreation experts. That's because airlines now routinely complaint much money for "extras" specified arsenic spot assignments, checked bags, snacks aliases wifi. 

"Nobody likes emotion nickel-and-dimed, for illustration nan value they saw for a formation was a bait and switch," Scott Keyes, laminitis and CEO of recreation tract, told CBS MoneyWatch.

Here's what to consider. At first glance, nan first pricing for a formation you find connected an online recreation tract mightiness look temptingly low. But aft factoring successful nan costs of selecting your seat, checking bags and different add-ons, nan fare tin extremity up being overmuch higher — arsenic overmuch aliases much than an all-inclusive fare.

This model, commonly referred to arsenic drip pricing, tin surely boost an airline's revenue, and proponents opportunity it benefits consumers by allowing them to salary only for nan perks they genuinely value. For their part, critics opportunity it makes it harder to find nan existent costs of flying and to comparison prices among airlines.

Keyes traces drip pricing backmost to 2008, erstwhile airlines began charging passengers to cheque 2nd bags. That allowed full-service carriers to connection a lower-cost, no-frills summons successful bid to compete pinch fund carriers.

"That little header value brought group successful — past they started adding seat-selection fees," Keyes said. "It's an invention from nan fund airlines that nan full manufacture has copied and that full-service airlines person adopted for themselves."

"It makes it very difficult"

For consumers, however, nan problem pinch unbundling fares is it makes it trickier to comparison what different airlines complaint for tickets, experts told CBS MoneyWatch. 

"It makes it very difficult to find retired what nan all-in value will be," said Columbia Business School trading professor Vicki Morwitz, who authored a report connected really consumers respond to drip pricing

Her investigation shows that consumers thin to book nan summons action that looks cheaper upfront, but costs much erstwhile add-ons are factored in.  "Consumers make a correction and walk much money than they needed to spend," she explained. 

Jay Sorensen, president of IdeaWorks, a consultancy that has advised U.S. airlines, agrees that drip pricing makes comparing hose summons prices much complicated. But he still thinks it tin use consumers by letting them salary for nan extras they want, while leaving down those that aren't important to them. 

How to prevention connected airfare this outpouring and summer 03:15

"The result is of people that it's much difficult to comparison betwixt different products and airlines," he said. "While that's true, airlines, arsenic profit-seeking companies, are nether nary responsibility to make it easier to comparison pinch their competitors."

Sorensen compared nan acquisition of booking airfare coming to shopping for groceries.

"You rotation successful pinch your shopping cart, and arsenic you locomotion done nan aisles you flip worldly successful your cart," he said. "You bargain a guidelines fare, and arsenic you spell done nan booking way you adhd things to nan cart, for illustration a checked bag, spot assignment, aliases salary to book a repast aliases different services," he said. "That's dramatically different from nan measurement recreation was erstwhile sold successful U.S."

Megan Cerullo

Megan Cerullo is simply a New York-based newsman for CBS MoneyWatch covering mini business, workplace, wellness care, user spending and individual finance topics. She regularly appears connected CBS News Streaming to talk her reporting.
