Full transcript of "Face the Nation," April 28, 2024

Trending 2 weeks ago

On this "Face nan Nation" broadcast, moderated by Margaret Brennan: 

  • Hanna Siegel, sister of Keith Siegel, who is being held hostage by Hamas
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky 
  • Rep. Summer Lee, Democrat of Pennsylvania
  • University of Chicago governmental subject professor Robert Pape
  • Catherine Russell, UNICEF executive director 

Click here to browse afloat transcripts of "Face nan Nation."   

MARGARET BRENNAN: I'm Margaret Brennan successful Washington.

And this week connected Face nan Nation: Pressure builds to effort and get nan Hamas-held hostage negotiations backmost connected track, and field protests sparked by nan Israel-Hamas conflict dispersed crossed nan country.

On Saturday, much Hamas proof-of-life propaganda featuring different American hostage held successful Gaza appearing very overmuch nether duress.

(Begin VT)


(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: President Biden vows that he will not remainder until each hostage is returned and sends his apical diplomat backmost to nan region.

Plus, pinch $61 cardinal successful assistance now headed to Ukraine, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell apologizes to Volodymyr Zelenskyy for Senate Republicans' domiciled successful that hold that took its toll connected nan country's warfare effort.

(Begin VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you consciousness your statement is responsible for those setbacks?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL (R-Kentucky): Many of them, yes. We – we took excessively long.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Plus: What's helping substance those field protests from seashore to coast? We will show you.

It's each conscionable up connected Face nan Nation.

Good morning, and invited to Face nan Nation.

We statesman coming pinch overseas analogous Debora Patta successful Jerusalem.

(Begin VT)

DEBORA PATTA (voice-over): Like astir days successful Rafah, this 1 began pinch mourning…


DEBORA PATTA: … aft much Israeli strikes deed what is mostly a shelter metropolis successful nan southbound sheltering complete half of Gaza's 2.3 cardinal Palestinians crammed up against nan Egyptian border.

There were heartbreaking farewells to mini bodies wrapped successful shrouds. This babe has known only warfare her full life. It's been a sadistic week for children. Even occurrence babe occurrence Sabreen al-Ruh, who was saved from her dying mother's womb a week ago, lived conscionable 5 days. She's been buried adjacent to nan remainder of her family.

Rafah is already nether regular bombardment, but Israel keeps threatening a crushed invasion. And Palestinians who've already fled aggregate times support asking, wherever will they go? Much of Gaza lies successful ruin, nan demolition connected specified a standard it is uninhabitable.

This morning, much humanitarian assistance was airdropped complete nan territory, and this IDF footage shows nan floating pier being built by nan Americans adjacent nan Gazan coastline, which officials opportunity will beryllium completed early May, allowing much supplies to travel into Gaza.

But nan dire warnings of imminent famine person not gone away. Already, nan U.N. says 1 successful 3 children nether nan property of 2 is acutely malnourished, anterior to October 7, hardly any. And contempt an summation successful aid, nan U.N. says it is still not capable to avert famine, which could dispersed crossed nan northbound adjacent month.

(End VT)

DEBORA PATTA: Ahead of a imaginable rougher invasion, location are now last- ditch attempts to revive cease-fire talks.

Hamas has stepped up nan unit by releasing propaganda videos that show 3 hostages, including 2 Americans, still alive, but speaking nether duress.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Our Debora Patta successful Jerusalem.

And we are joined now by Hanna Siegel, whose uncle, Keith Siegel, is 1 of those American hostages.

Good greeting to you, Hanna.

HANNA SIEGEL (Niece of Hamas Hostage): Good morning, Margaret. Thank you for having me.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Thank you for speaking to us.

I cognize that nan Biden management has reached retired to you and your family. The FBI is analyzing that video released yesterday. What stood retired to you? I deliberation this is nan first impervious of life truthful far?

HANNA SIEGEL: We – we've ever believed that he's alive. We person to judge that he's alive.

And his wife, my aunt, Aviva Siegel, who was held for 52 days, released successful nan woody that took spot successful November, she was pinch him. And truthful we knew – erstwhile she came out, she told america that he was alive. But this is nan first clip that we're seeing him, that we're proceeding him.

It's – it's surreal.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you person "205" there. That's nan number of days he has been held.

In nan video, your uncle, nether duress, mentions nan protests that person been taking spot successful Israel pressuring nan authorities for a deal. Do you deliberation that a woody tin beryllium reached astatine this point, and is it up to nan United States to adjacent it?

HANNA SIEGEL: I do deliberation a woody tin beryllium reached. I mean, we – we cognize that. A woody was reached successful November. Dozens of women and children were released, including my aunt, Aviva Siegel.

So we cognize that it's possible. And I do deliberation that's really important to remember. The United States plays a captious role. It played a captious domiciled successful November. I think, you know, ultimately, this is simply a speech betwixt Hamas and Prime Minister Netanyahu successful Israel.

And 1 of nan things that really worries my family and worries maine is that it's arguably not successful Prime Minister Netanyahu's governmental liking to adjacent a deal. And, you know, for us, this is nan moment. These videos – arsenic you know, location was a video released a mates of days agone of different American hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin.


HANNA SIEGEL: I do deliberation that these 2 videos are a awesome from Hamas that they are fresh to make a woody and a reminder that location are American citizens being held, including – including Keith.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There are 133 hostages that we cognize of, 5 of them Americans. Why do you judge it is not successful Prime Minister Netanyahu's liking to trim a woody to bring them home?

HANNA SIEGEL: I think, you know, location is simply a batch swirling successful nan governmental scenery successful Israel. And I'm not present to talk astir that.

But location person been negotiations going connected for months now. We're astatine 205 days. There person been deals connected nan table. And they've proven elusive. And I interest that that is because of Prime Minister Netanyahu. So I deliberation that now is nan moment.

I deliberation – I person religion that we tin do a woody now. But I besides deliberation that, if that isn't possible, past nan Biden management should deliberation astir what they tin do straight to bring our American citizens home.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Secretary of State Antony Blinken is flying to nan region now and is going to talk astir a cease-fire and a hostage deal.

Do you cognize if nan Biden management is considering making a woody to bring nan Americans location without nan Israeli government's support aliases domiciled here?

HANNA SIEGEL: I don't know.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you want them to look astatine that option?

HANNA SIEGEL: What I cognize is that nan Biden management has shown unwavering and relentless committedness to my family and nan families of each of nan hostages.

And I cognize that it is their privilege to bring each hostages, including nan Americans, home. And truthful I cognize that they are doing perfectly everything that they can. Keith, successful this video, I mean, he starts nan video by saying really overmuch he loves us, he loves our family.

And he's evidently nether duress. He's gaunt. He looks weak. But that's real. I cognize that he misses his family. He talks astir – you know, I deliberation nan hardest portion of nan video is, he breaks down talking astir being unsocial connected Passover.

Those of america Siegels successful America sewage together for Passover and those successful Israel sewage together for Passover. And we had – we had this small image of Keith astatine nan table, but he's not home. And truthful I person specified faith, and I person felt nan committedness from nan Biden management to get him back.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Keith's girl sent a recorded connection to protesters who were successful nan streets successful Israel past night.

And she said: "I request nan country's leaders watch nan video and spot their begetter crying for help."

Hamas released this arsenic propaganda. Why do you deliberation watching that video is important? What – what do you deliberation is not understood by nan government?

HANNA SIEGEL: First of all, my cousins, Keith's kids, and his wife, of course, a hostage subsister herself, are incredibly brave.

And they person spent each azygous time going to anybody who will perceive astir nan world and telling them, reminding them that location are people's lives astatine stake. I deliberation there's truthful overmuch swirling successful nan governmental realm that it's easy to hide that these are quality beings. Keith is simply a grandfather. He's a husband. He's a brother. He's an uncle.

We're a very, very adjacent family. And that's what we're feeling, much than immoderate of nan governmental considerations, much than reasoning astir nan time aft and what happens. Those are really, really important questions, but I deliberation this video is simply a reminder that these are quality beings, and they request to travel home.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The U.S. says Hamas is opinionated successful nan measurement of a deal.

Are you concerned that, if an penetration of confederate Gaza, of Rafah happens, that your uncle will beryllium astatine consequence of death?

HANNA SIEGEL: Very concerned. I mean he – he talks successful nan video astir explosive – proceeding bombs each astir him.


HANNA SIEGEL: And truthful we interest astir nan truth that he's being held underground by a violent group, of course.

We interest astir nan truth that he's starving. When Aviva came out…


HANNA SIEGEL: … she talked to america astir really they were opening to starve.


HANNA SIEGEL: And I can't ideate that that hasn't gotten truthful overmuch worse.


HANNA SIEGEL: You tin spot it connected his face. And we besides interest astir nan bombs going disconnected astir him.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Of course. Of course.

Hanna, convey you for reminding america astir nan humanity here. And we wish you luck.

HANNA SIEGEL: Thank you truthful overmuch for having me.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We visited Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell connected Capitol Hill Thursday conscionable aft he apologized to President Zelenskyy for nan hold passing nan $61 cardinal assistance package for Ukraine.

Leader McConnell acknowledged to america nan six-month process, 4 successful nan Senate, was a costly hold for nan Ukrainian warfare effort.

(Begin VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: In nan clip of nan delay, Russia's subject onshore forces person grown backmost to wherever they were earlier nan invasion, nan service is 15 percent larger, and they've reinforced nan 20 percent of Ukrainian territory that they hold.

These are each nan words of nan ultimate allied commandant himself. Do you consciousness your statement is responsible for those setbacks?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL (R-Kentucky): Many of them, yes.

We – we took excessively long. This rumor was for illustration a family reunion, if you will, pinch a batch of different points of position being expressed astir nan table. All nan Democrats were for Ukraine. There is nary mobility that nan statement was successful our family, connected our side.

And location was a batch of skepticism for a agelong time, but I deliberation it sewage better. And I deliberation we proved that earlier this week.

MARGARET BRENNAN: What do you deliberation changed minds?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: The existent facts.

Once we realized we were not going to get a separator result, I deliberation our members really started focusing connected nan – nan package. It was – it was clear that it was not going to person a separator proviso attached to it.


SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: And location are almost nary bully arguments against this. Every statement that made it – made by nan opponents is provably wrong. And nan facts, I think, were convincing for a number of our members, and they changed their minds.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You are leader for different 8 months.

But you've said you're going to enactment and service retired your term. Donald Trump whitethorn again go president. According to our latest CBS polling, 79 percent of self-identified Republicans told america that nan root of accusation they astir spot connected Ukraine and Russia is Donald Trump.

This sentiment doesn't look to beryllium disappearing. How are you going to antagonistic that?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: What I want to do and what I'm focused connected is not nan statesmanlike race, but getting nan Senate back.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But this isn't nan race. This is persuading nationalist opinion.


I deliberation nan azygous astir important point I tin do is make judge my successor is nan mostly leader, nary matter really nan statesmanlike predetermination comes out. I deliberation nan truth that our nominee fundamentally decided not to proceed whipping group against nan package was a bully sign. And I'm going to beryllium advocating expanding nan defense budget, nary matter who gets elected, and preparing ourselves for nan agelong term, which is China, Russia, and Iran.

This administration's fund requests for defense haven't moreover kept up pinch inflation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You said nan Republican nominee decided not to whip against nan package, successful different words, stopped telling lawmakers that – not to ballot for it.

But we cognize Donald Trump is not a instrumentality of – of Zelenskyy. Viktor Orban, nan premier curate of Hungary, precocious had meal pinch Mr. Trump astatine Mar-a-Lago and past told reporters that Trump said he won't springiness a penny to Ukraine and that'll beryllium nan measurement he forces an extremity to nan fighting.

If that's nan basal belief of nan man who's going to beryllium commandant successful chief, really do you extremity him?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: What I'm doing is trying to alteration nan Senate, truthful that we person a majority, nary matter who wins nan statesmanlike election.

I can't power that. I person immoderate power present successful nan Senate. I intend to usage it, nary matter who gets elected president, to summation our defense fund and get fresh for nan challenges that we person up of us.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But that's a situation wherever you mightiness person to beryllium nan firewall against your ain statement and its leader again.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I person been consenting to do that. I had thing to do pinch changing sentiment successful nan Senate connected this issue. And I deliberation a batch much of my members now understand nan value of it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: About a period aft January 6, you voted to acquit Donald Trump aft he was impeached.

And you said connected nan Senate floor: "Trump"…

(Begin VT)

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: Didn't get distant pinch thing yet.

We person a criminal justness strategy successful this country. We person civilian litigation. And erstwhile presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you still judge that erstwhile presidents are not wholly immune from liability?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: Let's put it this way. I addressed that rumor connected February nan 13th…

MARGARET BRENNAN: It's progressive earlier nan Supreme Court arsenic we speak.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: … and January nan 6th of 2021. I guidelines by everything I said then.

Obviously, it'll beryllium up to nan Supreme Court to determine whether I was correct.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Part of what you said is portion of this lawsuit successful immoderate ways, because you based on for nan Senate not to convict Mr. Trump.

And cardinal to his immunity statement is nan declare that a erstwhile president who was impeached and convicted by nan Senate tin beryllium criminally prosecuted. He was not.

Do you regret your choice? It's portion of nan defense.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I don't regret thing I said then. I haven't taken thing I said past back.

But nan reply to your mobility is going to beryllium successful nan courts. The Supreme Court's going to determine that.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you guidelines by your explanation of Trump arsenic practically and morally responsible for provoking nan events of January 6, and perchance criminally responsible and liable?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I don't cognize really galore times you're going to inquire maine nan aforesaid question. I guidelines by everything I person said connected January 6, and February 13, 2021.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, I'm asking you nan mobility because, since nan past fewer months person passed and our past conversation, you've endorsed him for reelection.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: You request to get amended research. I was asked that mobility 3 years again, if he were nan nominee, would I support him?

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you said you would support whoever nan nominee was.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: And I said yes, because nan voters of my statement crossed nan state person made a decision. As nan Republican leader of nan Senate, obviously, I'm going to support nan nominee of our party.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you person taken stands connected issues you consciousness are of – of beardown nationalist information interests and morally imperative. That – that was your statement connected Ukraine, and that you were bucking, successful immoderate ways, a populist opinion.

So, connected this one, I'm conscionable wondering really you explicate that, erstwhile you opportunity it was bully capable for a number of Republicans that he'd beryllium nan nominee, because that is nan populist opinion. It's not taking nan position that he has – he doesn't unrecorded up to nan role.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: The rumor is – nan rumor is – nan rumor is, what benignant of power – moreover if I had chosen to get progressive successful nan statesmanlike election, what benignant of power would I person had?

MARGARET BRENNAN: You're 1 of nan astir powerful Republicans.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I'm – I'm nan Republican leader of nan Senate.

What we do present is effort to make law. I for illustration america to beryllium successful nan majority.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Your worldview seems much aligned pinch Joe Biden erstwhile it comes to American leadership…



MARGARET BRENNAN: … successful these world conflicts…



MARGARET BRENNAN: … than pinch Donald Trump.


MARGARET BRENNAN: … who has spoken against Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has not endorsed nan package that you conscionable worked truthful difficult to get complete nan decorativeness line.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: Yes. OK, look, I – I wouldn't person withdrawn from Afghanistan. I wouldn't person submitted 4 budgets successful a statement for defense that don't moreover support up pinch inflation.

I person sewage plentifulness of differences pinch nan existent administration. Whether I will person differences pinch nan adjacent management remains to beryllium seen. I cognize what – what I think. And it doesn't make immoderate quality what nan result of nan statesmanlike predetermination is. I'm going to beryllium focusing connected this remainder of my clip successful nan Senate.

MARGARET BRENNAN: What I perceive you saying – show maine if I'm getting it incorrect – is that you tin extremity Donald Trump if he's commandant successful chief. Even if you're not leader, you're going to do nan astir you tin to antagonistic this isolationist worldview and to counter…


MARGARET BRENNAN: … aliases limit what he could do if reelected.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I'm going to counter, nary matter who's elected president, advocating things that I deliberation are not bully for America.

What I attraction astir is, what does nan personification who really gets elected yet do?

MARGARET BRENNAN: Should Mr. Trump, arsenic candidate, arsenic typical of your party, spell and spot Ukraine for himself?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I – I'm not going to springiness him immoderate advice. I – I'm focusing connected turning nan Senate Republicans into nan mostly present and focusing connected advocating, arsenic I deliberation I successfully did this very week, for moving distant from nan isolationist activity that began pinch Tucker Carlson.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It began pinch Tucker Carlson?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: It did. He has a immense – he had a immense assemblage among rank-and-file Republicans. And I deliberation it was very destructive, very impactful connected regular Republican voters and created a large problem.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because he mimicked Republican propaganda and amplified it, and past that's been repeated connected nan House floor, arsenic nan House Intel Chairman said?

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: Well, I surely disagreed pinch him. And he surely ended up wherever he should person been each along, interviewing Vladimir Putin.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Will you fact-check Donald Trump erstwhile he says these things? Because he has besides repeated immoderate of these claims.

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL: I'm not going to springiness immoderate proposal to our campaigner successful nan – successful nan statesmanlike election. What I'm focusing connected is turning nan Senate into a mostly Republican.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: Our afloat question and reply pinch Leader McConnell is connected our Web tract and our YouTube channel.

We will beryllium correct back.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Our Mark Strassmann reports connected those assemblage field protests that person erupted crossed nan country.

(Begin VT)

MAN: Back up! You backmost up!

MARK STRASSMANN (voice-over): All nan clamor connected field keeps spreading, a conflict of much than ideas, riot cogwheel astatine Ohio State, Tasers astatine Emory University successful Atlanta, mostly pro-Palestinian protesters astatine times scuffling pinch police, waved connected by schoolhouse administrators, pinch hundreds of arrests, communities for illustration nan University of Texas turning connected each other.

Israel's warfare connected Hamas has different beforehand line…

PROTESTERS: Free, free Palestine!

PROTESTERS: Let my group go!

MARK STRASSMANN: … a free reside and dislike reside field statement that's thing but academic.

STUDENT: If you want to protect free speech, past you don't break up serene protests.

GREG LUKIANOFF (President and CEO, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression): People didn't look to beryllium alert of really bad nan business for free reside and world state already was connected field until October 7.

MARK STRASSMANN: Greg Lukianoff of nan Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a group defending nan correct to free speech.

Do you person nan consciousness that immoderate of this is moving nan shot forward?

GREG LUKIANOFF: Some of nan ways nan protestation has been going on, connected assemblage campuses has been alienating much of nan nationalist than bringing it in.

MARK STRASSMANN: On Columbia University's westbound lawn, civilian disobedience, this ongoing shelter city, galvanized nationalist protests. They want nan assemblage to divest investments successful Israel and companies they opportunity profit disconnected repression of Palestinians.

PROTESTER #1: Send them home!

MARK STRASSMANN: Dueling protests astatine Columbia, pro-Israel, pro- Palestinian, bespeak a larger welter of sentiment and emotion, passion and perceived prejudice.

PROTESTER #2: People would beryllium up successful arms and protesting that correct away. But because it's nan Jews, I consciousness for illustration cipher cares.

MARK STRASSMANN: All this coast-to-coast commotion is good into its 2nd week, and what began present astatine Columbia has now rippled overseas.

From Paris to London, assemblage students occupied buildings and marched successful nan streets. They're echoing this U.S. student movement, astatine times a infinitesimal that's been unflattering, moreover dark, from intolerant protesters to stumbling universities.

GREG LUKIANOFF: A batch of campuses are school young group to deliberation for illustration activists and little for illustration scholars. When you're reduced to conscionable shouting astatine each other, that is simply a nonaccomplishment of immoderate of nan things that makes higher acquisition truthful special.

(End VT)

MARGARET BRENNAN: We will person much connected what's fueling those protests coming up.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Join america adjacent week, erstwhile we will talk to South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem astir her caller book, "No Going Back."


MARGARET BRENNAN: We will beryllium correct backmost pinch a batch much Face nan Nation, truthful enactment pinch us.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome backmost to FACE THE NATION and nan kickoff of our 2024 battleground locator polls. Our CBS News battlegrounds are those 7 cardinal states wherever things could spell either way. Today we're looking astatine 3 of them that Biden won successful 2020, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In effect, Trump and Biden are moving even. The erstwhile president is up 1 percent constituent successful 2 of those states, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The existent president is up 2 complete Trump successful Michigan.

Joining america now is our executive head of elections and surveys, Anthony Salvanto.

So, Anthony, why are they truthful adjacent if Biden won them successful 2020?

ANTHONY SALVANTO: The logic this clip is, I conscionable asked people, to commencement to campaign, really do these candidates make you feel? And nan apical reply for each of them was, worried. Then you look astatine nan Biden numbers particularly, and he gets feelings of insecurity, which could beryllium benignant of reliable for a sitting president, though calm is 1 that accrues to his benefit. But past for Trump you get feelings of anger, right, that's peculiarly existent for Democrats, besides immoderate insecurity. And neither 1 of them does very good connected eliciting confidence.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The system is ever rumor number 1 for voters. How is it faring successful these 3 states?

ANTHONY SALVANTO: And it is again here. But what's absorbing is this communicative starts backmost successful 2020. When we polled these states, astatine nan clip nan pandemic was going on. People past said nan system successful those states was bad.

So, we asked them now, OK, has it gotten better? And very fewer group opportunity that it has. In fact, galore opportunity they consciousness it's gotten worse. And ostentation is nan logic that they opportunity that.

But what's besides absorbing is, we asked them, OK, look backmost to nan system during nan Trump years, really do you retrieve it? And a mostly opportunity they retrieve it arsenic being good.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because they hide astir nan pandemic?

ANTHONY SALVANTO: Well, they look to beryllium skipping complete nan pandemic. And that's precisely what that tells you successful their representation of this. But it besides explains now erstwhile you inquire them, OK, now let's look forward, they opportunity - much opportunity they consciousness they'd beryllium financially amended disconnected nether Donald Trump. And that cuts straight to vote. And that is helping nan erstwhile president.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, successful these 3 peculiar states, entree to abortion is legally protected. How overmuch of a motivator will it beryllium past for voters location to really spell to nan polls?

ANTHONY SALVANTO: That's astir apt nan cardinal question. It is for Democrats. What you spot is, these different states wherever location has been abortion laws, Arizona, pinch that 1864 law, Florida pinch their rule going into effect, their ban, you know, six-week prohibition going into effect, voters successful these states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, opportunity they're watching what's happening successful those states. So, what's happening location is not staying there, successful their minds. And what's important location is it becomes a nationalist issue.

And truthful present we see, particularly for Democrats, erstwhile they are saying they consciousness angry that Roe v. Wade was overturned, they're voting overwhelmingly for Joe Biden. But for nan ones who opportunity abortion should beryllium ineligible but they're not angry astir this, they're dissatisfied, they're unhappy astir it, nan title is overmuch closer. And what that tells you is, for nan Biden run successful particular, it's going to beryllium an workout successful motivation, it's going to beryllium trying to put that rumor moreover higher connected nan issues list. And that is nan large point connected which – connected which their, you know, fortunes mightiness hinge.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Anthony Salvanto, convey you.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And we spell now to Democratic Congresswoman Summer Lee. She joins america from her territory successful Pittsburgh.

Good greeting to you, Congresswoman.

REP. SUMMER LEE (D-PA): Good morning. Good to beryllium pinch you.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You conscionable heard our CBS polling successful reference to your location state. I cognize past play Governor Shapiro told us, "if President Biden's region connected earthy state permits goes connected a agelong clip it will costs Pennsylvania jobs." And we're seeing successful our polling nan cognition that Donald Trump would beryllium better, 49 percent of voters said, than Joe Biden, 33 percent, connected these lipid and state exploration issues. This seems to beryllium a headwind for Democrats successful your state. Are you concerned?

SUMMER LEE: Yes. I deliberation that there's - I deliberation there's a batch to beryllium concerned about, right? I deliberation that erstwhile we look astatine these polls, you know, we'll propulsion retired 1 rumor astatine a time. But nan reality is, is that location are a number of issues mixed together that make voters consciousness confident, that make voters - immoderate different voters consciousness hopeless aliases consciousness for illustration possibly there's a small logic to participate. And I deliberation that we're dealing pinch that a lot, right?

When we talk to voters passim my election, we talk to a batch of voters who, whether it's nan economy, nan value of, you know, goods, gas, food, things of that nature, aliases abortion, for illustration each of these different issues, made voters consciousness for illustration location was very small options that they had and that they didn't want to participate. And we person to fig retired thing very quickly to reside that.

MARGARET BRENNAN: In your primary, which you won, your Democratic challenger's constituent of onslaught was your willingness to break pinch President Biden successful his unequivocal support for Israel pinch its warfare pinch Hamas successful Gaza. You've called for a ceasefire.

If you judge that this is specified a matter of conscience and truthful important, tin you genuinely inquire progressive voters to spell and ballot for Joe Biden successful November?

SUMMER LEE: Yes, I deliberation that we do that each year. Every 2 years we inquire voters, progressive voters, we inquire achromatic and brownish voters, young voters, and we inquire them to measurement nan totality of our options, right? The totality of a candidate. The totality of nan things that we attraction about, that we travel to nan polling places with. And that's not new, right? This is an rumor that gets a batch of issue. And location are going to beryllium very reasonably a batch of group who will consciousness apprehension astir that. And I deliberation that is not a foregone conclusion that there's conscionable thing that Democrats tin do.

When we look astatine an predetermination for illustration mine, we've seen really celebrated it is to return a pro-(INAUDIBLE) stance, really celebrated it is to telephone for a different guidance successful nan policies that nan United States has towards nan warfare successful Gaza, towards sending unconditional weapons, violative limb to Netanyahu, and our authorities still has clip to react. We still person clip to perceive to nan folks who person feelings astir that. And that's what we person to do.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, you went to meet pinch immoderate of nan field protesters retired successful Pittsburgh recently. You were successful support of immoderate of those young group who person chosen to protestation against what's happening successful Gaza. Do you perceive from them, that they're excited to spell ballot for Joe Biden?

SUMMER LEE: To beryllium honest, you know, we don't. It's not a taxable that, you know, ever comes up, but it does a lot.

I deliberation that nan number 1 extremity for them correct now, you know, conscionable listening to what they person to say, is that they want to spot a ceasefire successful Gaza. They want to spot nan indiscriminate bombings and killings end, right? That is nan logic why they're connected - there's a batch of sound astir this that - that distracts from that. There's a batch of sound that tries to return distant from that cardinal message. But that is nan cardinal point that they are fighting for. And they judge and they consciousness for illustration our authorities tin do more. And that's what they're looking for. They're looking for immoderate benignant of acknowledgment from our activity that they perceive our needs, that they perceive these young group saying that we want our country, we want our authorities to spell successful a different direction.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, I perceive you intelligibly distinguishing betwixt Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel, but immoderate people, and I'm judge you cognize is, perceive disapproval and understand it arsenic anti-Semitic erstwhile it is captious of Israel.

The premier curate of Israel said that what's happening connected America's assemblage campuses is horrific. He said nan protesters are anti-Semitic mobs. And he compared it to what's happening successful German universities backmost successful nan 1930s.

How do you respond to that, aliases nan cognition of that, possibly among immoderate of your constituents?

SUMMER LEE: Certainly. You know, his connection is intentional. And it's ever been. But nan 1 point that I cognize is that Benjamin Netanyahu has not been connected a assemblage field successful nan United States. He has not talked to these students. He has not seen their encampments. He has not seen aliases heard nan connection that they're delivering. And he doesn't want to perceive it, right? His number 1 extremity is, you know, what he's doing complete there. And thing that - that harms aliases - aliases helps - aliases makes it harder for him to execute that goal, he's going to - he's going to distract from.

But this thought that each disapproval of Israel is anti-Semitic is dangerous. There is simply a adjacent critique that we must make of each government, of each war, of each appropriation. And erstwhile we opportunity that students who are engaging successful nan clip honored contented of civilian disobedience, of field protestation and action are inherently bad aliases inherently anti-Semitic, peculiarly arsenic we spot Jewish students opinionated successful solidarity pinch Muslim students aliases Arab students and achromatic students, erstwhile you're connected nan ground, you spot that each of those students person been moving together aliases person been learning and educating together. And they are each successful 1 sound crying for a quality successful direction, peculiarly from Benjamin Netanyahu.


SUMMER LEE: So, I'm not shocked that he would want to formed them arsenic evil, formed them arsenic nan wrong.


SUMMER LEE: That's been his M.O.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Congresswoman, convey you for explaining what's happening wrong your statement and your position. We'll person to time off it correct there.

We'll beryllium correct back.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And we're joined now by nan founding head of nan Chicago Project connected Security and Threats, University of Chicago Professor Robert Pape, who has caller findings connected nan assemblage protests complete nan Israel- Hamas War.

Welcome backmost to nan program.

I understand you've been surveying astir 5,000 students, 600 colleges and universities betwixt December and January, because this stretches backmost to correct aft October 7th.

ROBERT PAPE (Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago): Yes.

MARGARET BRENNAN: What did you study astir what's happening?

ROBERT PAPE: The large point we learned is that nan feelings of fearfulness connected assemblage campuses are much wide and much aggravated than we person known. Overall, 56 percent of Jewish students study emotion successful individual danger. Close behind, 52 percent of Muslim students study emotion successful individual danger. And 16 percent of each students who are not Jewish and not Muslim, this is 2 to 3 cardinal assemblage students, besides study emotion successful individual danger.

We besides asked them successful matter boxes why. And complete 1,000 students told america why. And what they're reporting, Margaret, is not TikTok. What they are reporting is watching acts of beingness unit and intimidation correct I beforehand of them. Jewish students are seeing Jewish buildings attacked. Muslim students are seeing group antagonistic backmost - counterattack against Muslims. The students not Jewish and not Muslim, they're conscionable seeing everyone getting attacked. Also, protestation chants are playing a role.

So, what we are seeing successful wide is that this is not fading away. This is simply a nonstop usability of nan escalation successful nan Middle Eastern conflict complete there. And this is having spillover effects connected our campuses and, of course, successful immoderate cities.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, nan speaker of nan House, Mike Johnson, went up to Columbia University this week. You had 4 Democratic lawmakers, each Jewish, who went, they said, successful solidarity pinch Jewish students location and threatened to withhold national funding. Is that benignant of governmental engagement adjuvant aliases is it putting substance connected nan fire?

ROBERT PAPE: It is putting substance connected nan occurrence because it's truthful one-sided. If Speaker Johnson had gone together pinch Hakeem Jeffries pinch an existent scheme to bring calm - and we'll talk astir what that mightiness look for illustration - past this is simply a different story. But by travel - making it a surprise, by making threats, you know, if you don't do x we will occurrence y and we're going to do x and this is each a surprise, this is really not adjuvant for crowd power astatine all.

So, I besides study nan existent convulsive portion of this, and nan number 1 point erstwhile you person protests and that are building is, don't do a surprise. In Portland, during nan George Floyd protests, you mightiness remember, DHS amazed Portland. That escalated things. This is simply a very bad idea.

So, you request to person a much thoughtful attack to calming tensions that spell beyond crowd power and that are not simply 1 broadside is right, everybody other is wrong, and we're going to hammer it done until we win.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, who is that first statement of action coming from? Is it assemblage presidents aliases are you talking astir rule enforcement?

ROBERT PAPE: There are roles present for assemblage presidents, rule enforcement and nationalist leaders. And, actually, talking to rule enforcement present directly, successful folks who do this successful Chicago, rule enforcement is really overmuch much sophisticated, I think, than you mightiness spot from nan nationalist (INAUDIBLE). So, that's why I deliberation it's truthful important to attraction connected nan solutions from nan position of our assemblage leaders, our nationalist leaders, because they are only episodically progressive pinch dealing pinch unit and governmental violence. And that's really why it's truthful important to attraction connected what our assemblage leaders should beryllium doing and our nationalist leaders beyond simply crowd control.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It sounds for illustration you're saying group person forgotten really to person a civilian speech astir a heated issue.

ROBERT PAPE: Well, they've -

MARGARET BRENNAN: And isn't that what assemblage is expected to beryllium about?

ROBERT PAPE: They are. But cognize - October 7th caught each of america by surprise. And it caught universities by surprise. So, we are simply - we person policies. We person policies astatine (ph) nan Calvin Report (ph) astatine nan University of Chicago. These were galore of nan field policies and our practices developed successful nan 1960s. And almost nary leader who was moving either our authorities aliases a assemblage was progressive successful nan 1960s. And nan issues we're dealing pinch coming are new. They're not wholly new, but I would opportunity for illustration 90 degrees new. And that is what we person to travel to grips pinch and not conscionable presume everything was good before.


ROBERT PAPE: So, they will conscionable slice distant and they will beryllium good again.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There's a batch of attraction connected nan beingness protests correct now, but going backmost to October, you had those 3 Palestinian boys changeable successful Burlington, Vermont. You had legislature hearings grilling assemblage body leaders for not reigning successful nan connection utilized connected campus. I mean this has been going connected for six months now. Does it extremity erstwhile nan schoolhouse twelvemonth ends?

ROBERT PAPE: I don't deliberation we tin count connected that for respective reasons. Number one, we person graduation play to get through. Number two, galore of our colleges now person summertime programs that are rather extensive. So, for galore colleges and universities, things don't wholly travel to a halt during nan summer. But besides adjacent fall, autumn is each - not that acold away. And this could besides hap again. It could hap successful - successful nan mediate of our predetermination play arsenic well.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You betcha (ph).

ROBERT PAPE: So, location are many, galore reasons, nan Chicago convention, location are galore reasons why we should return calming steps now.


ROBERT PAPE: And again, not conscionable support assuming, oh, yes, everything's fine. We conscionable request to get done nan adjacent time aliases 2 aliases nan adjacent week aliases 2 and past things will conscionable slice away. I deliberation that was an presumption by galore rather important and reliable leaders.


ROBERT PAPE: That presumption now needs to beryllium pushed aside.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Professor, convey you for your insights.

ROBERT PAPE: Absolutely.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We'll beryllium backmost successful a moment.


MARGARET BRENNAN: We want to return a person look astatine nan increasing humanitarian situation erstwhile it comes to nan world's children. Catherine Russell is nan executive head of UNICEF, and she is conscionable backmost from Israel and nan West Bank.

It's bully to person you here.

CATHERINE RUSSELL (Executive Director, UNICEF): Thanks, Margaret. Good to beryllium here.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I cognize you met pinch immoderate of nan families of Israeli children who are still being held hostage. There's a one-year-old. There's a four-year-old.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And you met pinch Israeli officials astir entree for assistance going into Gaza.

Did you get immoderate bully answers?

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Well, we sewage immoderate bully answers, which is that I deliberation a increasing consciousness of really captious it was for america to get much assistance in, and specifically what we needed, much entree points, amended security. You know, I'm surely not nan only personification who made those arguments and advocated pinch nan authorities of Israel.

But we person seen a small spot of an betterment successful Gaza, truthful that's a affirmative that came from it. Obviously, nan needs still far, acold outweigh what we're capable to do, but astatine slightest we've seen immoderate progress.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You besides went to nan Palestinian West Bank.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And 2023 was nan deadliest twelvemonth for children successful nan West Bank since they began monitoring astatine nan U.N. successful 2005. With each of nan attraction connected Gaza, show maine what's happening to kids successful nan West Bank correct now.

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Yes. Well, it's - you know, nan first time I met with, arsenic you said, nan hostage families. The 2nd time I was successful nan West Bank and heard location astir nan challenges children look each time conscionable trying to get to school, nan barriers they face, nan trouble successful benignant of moving around, nan checkpoints, each nan remainder of it.


CATHERINE RUSSELL: Yes. And arsenic you said, location is an summation successful violence. And I deliberation conscionable successful this twelvemonth unsocial location person been 40 children, Palestinian children, killed, 2 Israeli children killed. There's conscionable an uptick successful violence. And it's, arsenic always, children who are really impacted by that.

You besides mentioned, you know, I met pinch nan hostage families. I mean they're devastated by what's going on. Some children still being held. Others who are traumatized either by being held themselves aliases by seeing family members killed and hurt.

And I deliberation I would conscionable opportunity that wide I came backmost emotion for illustration there's conscionable truthful overmuch symptom and misery everyplace you look. And it's really unfortunate to spot it. And conscionable praying for a amended time for everyone successful nan situation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The U.N. says each 10 minutes a kid is killed aliases wounded successful Gaza. I mean that conscionable hits you successful nan thorax erstwhile you perceive that.

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Yes, it's a shocking number. And it is what's happening.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It's horrific.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And nan U.S. called this week for an investigation of this wide sedate that was conscionable recovered successful Gaza of hundreds of people. Were location children there? What do you know?

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Yes, we don't - UNICEF doesn't cognize overmuch astir that, honestly. I deliberation that - I would opportunity a mates things. One, location needs to beryllium a afloat investigation of what happened. And I deliberation that astatine immoderate constituent will certainly, I hope, return place.

And second, to me, it argues again for nan value of having world property successful Gaza. I opportunity this complete and complete again because you person disputes astir what has really happened, what's going on. And I deliberation not - you know, look, location are incredibly brave Palestinian reporters and property group location who are doing an unthinkable job. Many of them person suffered truthful much. People person been killed. I deliberation having nan world property successful location is besides really important, and I dream that that gets - that that changes sometime soon and world property folks tin get in, really make their ain assessments of what's going on.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And if nan Israeli authorities allows for it -


MARGARET BRENNAN: I deliberation a batch of news organizations would perfectly spell in.

CATHERINE RUSSELL: And they should beryllium there. They should beryllium seeing what's happening.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The U.S. military, arsenic you know, is mounting up this larboard that's expected to beryllium opened sometime successful May. We had Doctors Without Borders main connected recently.


MARGARET BRENNAN: And she said to me, "There's a slow mobility massacre of group suffering from deprivation of nutrient and h2o for six months successful time."

You can't driblet lentils from nan entity is what she said.


MARGARET BRENNAN: You request a wide aesculapian response. Is location immoderate scheme successful spot to do this, to revive immoderate of these children who are starving to death?


MARGARET BRENNAN: And will it travel earlier location is an penetration of Rafah?

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Well, fto maine opportunity a mates things. One, nan humanitarian situation, particularly for children, is incredibly worrying everywhere. We cognize successful nan northbound wherever it's been very difficult for humanitarians to get successful pinch food, and arsenic you're pointing out, children successful peculiar request what we talk astir arsenic therapeutic feeding, right? So they request plumpy seed aliases benignant of interventions by aesculapian professionals. So, it's not, arsenic you say, conscionable dropping successful food. That's not enough. We request to do much for small children.

It is decidedly not anyplace adjacent wherever it needs to be. I deliberation that the, you know, nan thought of nan port, nan thought of aerial drops, you know, each - look we support it's getting overmuch - getting arsenic overmuch assistance successful arsenic we perchance can. But nan truth is, nan astir important point is getting much and much successful done roadworthy access. That's nan champion access. It's nan safest access. It's nan champion for humanitarians and it's nan easiest measurement for america to really get around.

Having said that, it's very difficult to do that for truthful galore reasons, not slightest of which nan roads are each torn up, right? We person information issues. So, it's a challenging - it's a challenging benignant of array of problems.


CATHERINE RUSSELL: And I deliberation we request aggregate ways to effort to respond to it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Please show maine what is happening successful Sudan, which is nan biggest displacement situation successful nan world for children correct now.

CATHERINE RUSSELL: Yes, Sudan is unspeakable for children. It is, arsenic you say, nan largest displacement. Millions of children are connected nan move. Almost nary children are successful school. I deliberation 90 percent of children are retired of school. There's unthinkable violence, including intersexual violence, that children are suffering and witnessing. Children are suffering from malnutrition. It's perfectly a devastating business and we each request to salary much attraction to it for sure.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And these are nan adjacent generations that we are talking about.

CATHERINE RUSSELL: You cognize what, Margaret, that's nan point astir moving pinch children, right? It's like, connected nan 1 manus they're truthful susceptible to everything that happens to them. And, you know, you mentioned Rafah. I mean if there's an incursion into Rafah, that's unimaginable to ideate what nan unit will beryllium for illustration and what - really they will suffer.

But whether it's successful Gaza aliases successful Sudan aliases Haiti aliases truthful galore different places, children are suffering truthful much. And we each talk astir children of nan future. Well, OK, past we request to protect them. We request to make judge that they are knowledgeable and patient and person immoderate decent early ahead. And that's captious for them and it's captious for their countries and it's captious for each of humanity.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Catherine Russell, convey you for your insights today.


MARGARET BRENNAN: We'll beryllium correct back.


MARGARET BRENNAN: That's it for america today. Thank you each for watching. Until adjacent week, for FACE THE NATION, I'm Margaret Brennan.


Source cbsnews.com