Filming begins on Steve Coogan's new 'Alan Partridge' series

Filming begins on Steve Coogan's new 'Alan Partridge' series

Trending 1 week ago

Steve Coogan is moving connected a caller "Alan Patridge" bid for nan BBC. File Photo by Rune Hellestad/UPI

1 of 3 | Steve Coogan is moving connected a caller "Alan Patridge" bid for nan BBC. File Photo by Rune Hellestad/UPI | License Photo

May 20 (UPI) -- Steve Coogan has begun filming a caller six-episode loop of his Alan Partridge faux docu-series successful nan southbound of England, nan BBC announced Monday.

The taxable of nan 30-minute comedy, And Did Those Feet... pinch Alan Partridge, will beryllium intelligence wellness.

"Steve Coogan and [writer-directors] Neil and Rob Gibbons person done it again," Jon Petrie, BBC head of drama commissioning, said successful a statement.

"This look into nan authorities of nan federation (and Alan's ain psyche) done a unsocial lens -- that of Alan Partridge -- promises to further bolster nan already iconic repertoire of nan astir legendary drama characteristic successful nan United Kingdom. This bid will firmly cement Alan Partridge arsenic a nationalist treasure."

Coogan has played nan over-confident, inept broadcast journalist successful various TV series, specials, shape shows and podcasts since 1991.
