EU commission president urges unity as Finland closes Russian borders over migration surge

Trending 4 weeks ago
  • European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has voiced her concerns astir nan information implications of Finland's separator closure pinch Russia.
  • Finland extended separator closures owed to perceived risks orchestrated by Moscow, leaving only 1 checkpoint unfastened for obstruction travel.
  • Finland shares an 832-mile onshore separator pinch Russia, spanning from forests successful nan southbound to Arctic terrain successful nan north.

The caput of nan European Union's executive branch said Friday that Finland's determination to adjacent its separator crossings pinch Russia complete a surge successful migrants is simply a information matter for nan full 27-member bloc to consider.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made nan remarks during a travel to nan frontier, visiting a portion of nan separator located successful southeastern Finland.

"We each cognize really (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and his friends instrumentalize migrants to trial our defenses and to effort to destabilize us," von der Leyen told officials. "Now Putin is focusing connected Finland, and this is nary uncertainty successful consequence to your patient support of Ukraine and your accession to NATO."


On April 4, Finland decided to widen nan closure of its separator crossing points pinch Russia "until further notice" because of what nan authorities says is simply a precocious consequence of organized migration being orchestrated by Moscow. Finland's authorities has closed 8 of its 9 checkpoints pinch Russia. The only 1 that remains unfastened is dedicated to obstruction recreation only, and cargo trains chiefly tally done it.

Ursula von der Leyen

President of nan European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is seen during her associated property convention pinch Finnish Prime Minister Petter Orpo astatine nan Lappeenranta airport, eastbound Finland, connected April 19, 2024. (Antti Aimo-Koivisto/Lehtikuva via AP)

Finland shares an 832-mile onshore separator with Russia, moving mostly done heavy forests successful nan south, and to nan rugged scenery successful nan Arctic north.

"This is not conscionable astir nan information of Finland, but it is astir nan information of nan European Union. We are successful this together," von der Leyen said aft visiting nan separator successful Lappeenranta pinch Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. "We should beryllium much Finnish erstwhile it comes to security."

Von der Leyen and Orpo flew successful a Finnish chopper complete nan scenery of forests and towns connected nan border.

In a connection issued aft nan visit, Orpo said that "the spring’s warmer upwind increases nan consequence of Russia helping group illegally effort to get to Finland via nan onshore separator … extracurricular nan separator crossing points."


Von der Leyen is campaigning arsenic a personnel of nan blimpish European People’s Party bloc for a 2nd word successful agency arsenic caput of nan EU’s powerful executive branch. Security is simply a apical EPP taxable up of nan June 6-9 European Parliament elections.

Most of nan migrants hail from nan Middle East and Africa. The immense mostly of them person sought asylum successful Finland, a personnel of nan EU and NATO pinch a organization of 5.6 million.

Finland joined NATO successful April 2023, ending decades of neutrality aft nan country's conclusion by nan Soviet Union successful World War II. In March, Sweden besides became a personnel of nan trans-Atlantic alliance. The move dealt a awesome rustle to Putin, pinch a historical realignment of Europe’s post-Cold War information scenery triggered by Moscow’s full-scale penetration of Ukraine.
