Don't call them 'sanitary' products! World-renowned gynaecologist says term implies menstruation is 'dirty'

Don't call them 'sanitary' products! World-renowned gynaecologist says term implies menstruation is 'dirty'

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By Kate Pickles Health Editor

Published: 12:46 BST, 19 April 2024 | Updated: 12:47 BST, 19 April 2024

Feminine hygiene products should beryllium renamed to extremity reinforcing nan trope that menstruation is dirty, according to a apical gynaecologist.

Dr Jen Gunter said that while astir individual items – specified arsenic toothpaste and toilet rotation – are labelled based connected their function, nine continues to usage 'euphemistic language' for play products.

Using position specified arsenic 'hygiene' and 'sanitary' to picture them suggests menstruation is 'dirty aliases polluting'.

Dr Jen Gunter said that while astir individual items – specified arsenic toothpaste and toilet rotation – are labelled based connected their function, nine continues to usage 'euphemistic language' for play products

This 'false belief' has existed for thousands of years to oppress women, for illustration by excluding them from belief services aliases from preparing nutrient while menstruating, she said.

Writing successful nan New Scientist, she added: 'Menstruation isn't unhygienic. 

'When personification menstruates, they aren't soiled aliases unsanitary; they are menstruating.

'If we tin opportunity toilet insubstantial – a merchandise virtually designed to swipe distant faecal matter – without bringing up hygiene aliases sanitary concerns, surely we tin do nan aforesaid pinch menstrual products.' 

Once described arsenic nan world's astir celebrated and outspoken gynaecologist, Dr Gunter is simply a vociferous professional of Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop empire, describing it arsenic a 'scare factory'.

Over nan years, she has taken purpose astatine nan wellness company's 'garbage' claims underwire bras tin origin crab and its promotion of trends including vaginal steaming and infamous jade eggs.

Author of books including The Menopause Manifesto, Dr Gunter besides takes rumor pinch nan conception of femininity astir menstruation products arsenic inappropriate erstwhile periods often commencement astir nan property of 12.

By refusing to explanation things factually, it 'reinforces nan mendacious communicative that what is happening is shameful and dirty'.

She continues: 'The easy hole present is to mention to tampons, pads aliases napkins, menstrual cups and menstrual underwear arsenic menstrual products. That is their purpose.

'Nothing bad will hap to those who don't menstruate by seeing nan words "menstrual products" connected signage successful a shop aliases proceeding them spoken. Menstruation isn't contagious....

'The position "sanitary napkins" and "feminine hygiene" aren't immoderate bladed statement preventing society's decline.

'It is precocious clip for nan usage of euphemisms for menstrual products to end, because location is thing shameful astir menstruation.'
