Disputed 'acupressure' remedy from China that 'tries to stimulate invisible energy lines' could actually help relieve knee pain, study suggests

Trending 3 weeks ago

By Jonathan Neal For The Mail On Sunday

Published: 00:45 BST, 21 April 2024 | Updated: 00:48 BST, 21 April 2024

A arguable replacement curen known arsenic acupressure tin easiness nan symptom of knee arthritis, a study suggests.

Patients suspected to person nan information reported importantly little symptom aft 3 months of nan curen than others studied successful nan trial, nan researchers found.

The accepted Chinese aesculapian believe involves stimulating 'acupoints' – invisible power lines that are said to beryllium astir nan assemblage – to supply wellness benefits.

Unlike acupuncture, successful which needles are utilized to prick nan tegument astatine these points, acupressure uses nan fingers to use pressure. 

Advocates declare nan believe tin alleviate a big of problems from worry to associated pain. 

The study had patients self-administer acupressure to their knees alongside location physiotherapy exercises (stock image)

Outcomes from nan study suggested nan usage of acupressure whitethorn really alteration knee symptom successful those pinch arthritis successful nan joint 

Acupressure was a arguable characteristic of a caller section of Dragons' Den featuring saleswoman Giselle Boxer (pictured)

She sought finance for instrumentality connected 'ear seeds' providing acupressure that she claimed helped her pinch her ME, besides known arsenic chronic fatigue syndrome

However, nan grounds is often conflicting – pinch immoderate studies showing an effect and others proving it does small to help.

The curen precocious deed nan headlines aft Dragons' Den contestant Giselle Boxer claimed connected nan BBC1 show that stick-on acupressure 'ear seeds' – mini beads placed connected nan ears – helped cure her of nan chronic fatigue information ME. 

The consequent backlash from patients, who pointed retired location was nary impervious they worked, led to nan BBC pulling nan show earlier reinstating it pinch a disclaimer.

However, nan latest research, published successful nan Journal of nan American Medical Association, shows committedness for knee pain.

A full of 314 study participants, pinch an mean property of 63, were fixed 2 training sessions successful self-administering acupressure to their knees, alongside location physiotherapy exercises, and instructed to execute some treatments doubly a time for 12 weeks.

A power group was fixed instructions connected physiotherapy only. Both groups were assessed pinch questionnaires to measurement their knee pain.

The acupressure patients reported 46 per cent little symptom levels than nan different group aft nan curen period. Stiffness levels were nary different betwixt nan groups, however.

Knee osteoarthritis affects an estimated 5.4million people, mostly over-50s, successful nan UK. Aside from associated replacement surgery, location are nary effective treatments.

'Self-administered acupressure has been utilized for different symptom conditions and it could beryllium an effective curen for knee pain,' nan Hong Kong-based study authors said.

Source dailymail.co.uk