Diet rich in fruit, vegetables and nuts can HALVE odds of prostate cancer spreading, finds study

Trending 2 weeks ago

How galore group does it kill? 

More than 11,800 men a twelvemonth - aliases 1 each 45 minutes - are killed by nan illness successful Britain, compared pinch astir 11,400 women dying of bosom cancer.

It intends prostate crab is down only lung and bowel successful position of really galore group it kills successful Britain. 

In nan US, nan illness kills 26,000 men each year.

Despite this, it receives little than half nan investigation backing of bosom crab and treatments for nan illness are trailing astatine slightest a decade behind.

How galore men are diagnosed annually?

Every year, upwards of 52,300 men are diagnosed pinch prostate crab successful nan UK - much than 140 each day.   

How quickly does it develop? 

Prostate crab usually develops slowly, truthful location whitethorn beryllium nary signs personification has it for galore years, according to the NHS. 

If nan crab is astatine an early shape and not causing symptoms, a argumentation of 'watchful waiting' aliases 'active surveillance' whitethorn beryllium adopted. 

Some patients tin beryllium cured if nan illness is treated successful nan early stages.

But if it is diagnosed astatine a later stage, erstwhile it has spread, past it becomes terminal and curen revolves astir relieving symptoms.

Thousands of men are put disconnected seeking a test because of nan known broadside effects from treatment, including erectile dysfunction.

Tests and treatment

Tests for prostate crab are haphazard, pinch meticulous devices only conscionable opening to emerge. 

There is nary nationalist prostate screening programme arsenic for years nan tests person been excessively inaccurate.

Doctors struggle to separate betwixt fierce and little superior tumours, making it difficult to determine connected treatment.

Men complete 50 are eligible for a ‘PSA’ humor trial which gives doctors a unsmooth thought of whether a diligent is astatine risk.

But it is unreliable. Patients who get a affirmative consequence are usually fixed a biopsy which is besides not fool-proof. 

Scientists are unsure arsenic to what causes prostate cancer, but age, obesity and a deficiency of workout are known risks. 

Anyone pinch immoderate concerns tin speak to Prostate Cancer UK's master nurses connected 0800 074 8383 aliases sojourn
