DAME SHIRLEY CONRAN: Why I suddenly went off sex - at the age of 89: The queen of the bonkbuster takes our health quiz in this week's Under the Microscope

DAME SHIRLEY CONRAN: Why I suddenly went off sex - at the age of 89: The queen of the bonkbuster takes our health quiz in this week's Under the Microscope

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Every week a well-known personage reveals each successful our wellness questionnaire. 

Here, queen of nan bonkbuster Dame Shirley Conran reveals really she abruptly went disconnected activity - astatine 89. 

And why she ever uses a measurement for her lunchtime gin and tonic. 

Dame Shirley Conran regrets smoking to beryllium 'like everyone else'  during her assemblage years

Can you tally up nan stairs?

No. In 2021, I had a hep cognition and since past I haven’t been capable to guidelines for long, fto unsocial run.

Get your 5 a day?

Certainly not. I deliberation 5 a time is trading rubbish. 

I person a boiled ovum successful nan morning, and a due repast astatine lunchtime, pinch a gin and tonic. 

Breakfast for nan Lace writer is simply a boiled egg, pinch a 'proper meal' and a G&T astatine lunchtime 

 For beverage I ever person a consequence aliases 2 — today, a large orangish — and successful nan evening, an unfastened sandwich. 

My favourite rootlike is spinach, hardly cooked pinch a spoonful of cream.

Ever dieted?

I utilized to beryllium a size 10 apical and a 12 bottom, and 5ft 7in. 

I’m now 5ft 2in. 

I don’t fuss pinch my weight because a mates of years agone I was prescribed steroids and turned into Tweedledum and Tweedledee. 

The steroids are for COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]. 

It intends that sometimes I person trouble breathing. 

When I was an creation student I smoked inexpensive Woodbines to beryllium for illustration everyone else. 

Little did I cognize I was inhaling death.

Any vices?

Because my begetter was an alcoholic, I ever usage a measurement for my gin.

Any family ailments?

My begetter died of sclerosis of nan liver astatine 59. 

My mother was 97 erstwhile she died aft a fall. 

I inherited asthma from my father, arsenic did my relative Charles, and he died of an asthma onslaught erstwhile he was 76. 

My relative Jason died of a tummy ulcer and my sister Juliet from cancer. 

My sister Isabel and relative Richard are still live — I’m nan eldest.

Worst illness/injury?

I’ve had chronic fatigue syndrome (or CFS/ME) since I was 37. 

I went into infirmary pinch viral pneumonia and I came retired pinch it. 

I was Women’s Editor of nan Mail and I had to extremity moving regular hours, and that’s why I wrote Lace, to make money, arsenic I had 2 young children. 

I’d beryllium successful furniture sometimes for 2 months astatine a time, successful a darkened room. 

Everybody has to susurration to you because normal talking hurts your ears, and nan daylight hurts your eyes. 

All you tin do is dishonesty location and suffer.

Pop immoderate pills?

I took HRT erstwhile I was 57 — but aft six weeks my gynaecologist stopped it because I started to look for illustration Humpty Dumpty.

I besides return thing called levetiracetam; I’ve nary thought what it’s for, and risedronate and spironolactone. 

Whoever invented nan blister battalion deserves a knighthood.

Dame Shirley takes a trio of regular pills, but stopped HRT aft six weeks connected her doctor's advice

Ever had thing removed?

A benign lump nan size of a tennis shot successful my caput successful 2020 — they only told maine aft nan op that they were amazed I had survived.

I had to re-learn really to talk, eat and drink.

Ever person integrative surgery?

At 14, I looked astatine my mother’s cervix and I thought, ‘I’m going to person a cervix tuck erstwhile I’m 50’. 

So I did.

Cope good pinch pain?

Yes, I’ve had a contented bony taken retired and an oculus operation, some without an anaesthetic.

Is activity important?

It was important until I turned 89. 

Then overnight it stopped, bingo, nary response.

Alternative remedies?

I return a vitamin recommended by Helen Mirren connected TV.

Ever been depressed?

I was depressed erstwhile I came retired of infirmary pinch ME. 

And nan expert said location was thing incorrect pinch me. 

They thought I’d gone mad.

Hangover cure?

I don’t person hangovers because I don’t portion that much.

What keeps you awake astatine night?

Worry. I’ve sewage 4 lawsuits connected astatine nan moment.

Dame Shirley Conran has co-curated nan St Paul’s Girls’ School Collection of Modern Art, which opens next autumn.

Source dailymail.co.uk